chapter five

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I knew I didn't have any other option, really, except to go to the library at midnight. I felt put out, compliant to follow his every whim like I was sure he'd grown accustomed to even in his fairly short life. He couldn't be more than twenty five, there was no way, yet I was positive that for every second of that life, he'd never had to wait for anything, ever. Including women. And that wasn't just because he was King, either.

I deliberated in my room. The little trinkets Josiah had got me, all laid out on my chest of drawers, seemed to taunt me— a constant reminder of what I was putting at risk.

My mind wandered to Demetrius. He would probably be there by now, with it being two minutes to twelve. My insides somersaulted at the thought of him in the dark like we'd first met. Again, I had to chide myself. This is so wrong. This is two of your friends you are messing with, and a potential war.

I knew what I needed to do as I stepped out of my bedroom door. Unlike before, a guard was making his way up and down the corridor. I waited a moment, until his pristine figure was turned before darting off to hide behind a pillar. After about three goes of this, each time to the next hiding spot, I decided to take the leap of faith and just went for it.

"Hey!" I heard his shout as I pushed my legs faster down the hallway. "Imposter!"

I didn't know whether to feel relief or fear that he didn't know who I was. Undoubtedly, I was glad he couldn't report my escapades to Josiah. I couldn't bear his look of disappointment. But then, he'd soon alert the palace that there was someone roaming the hallways and being a mystery figure was dangerous. 'Imposters,' as he'd called me, didn't go down well in this palace. The clinking of his sword as he chased after me was a startling reminder of that.

I didn't turn round, though. I kept my legs moving, looking furiously around to see if there was some statue or anything at all I could hide behind, but everything was bare. I hadn't noticed the lack of things before. It was like Josiah didn't trust Demetrius's company that they wouldn't steal something. I forced myself not to roll my eyes. They could buy this stuff three times over, I thought to myself.

The thumping of footsteps jolted me out of that thought and I tried to keep my pace. My nightdress and slippers, I realised, were probably not the best of attires to be running away from a guard in. With each step, I felt my ankles jar, but I continued on.

I turned the corner, praying I'd lost the guard decreasing the space between us. I cursed his height and his stamina.

As if someone had heard my pleads, the library's opening came into view. The large door was slightly ajar, meaning I could slip into it fairly easily. I pulled it to, but left enough gap to spy out of it, heart thundering when I watched the guard stop. He looked around, his dark eyes searching. I almost gave myself away when I breathed a much needed sigh of relief when he went on his way.

"Asteri me," a voice said, achingly familiar. I wasn't keen on the nickname but at least it was now a clear indicator to who it was, which was useful when he was so close I could hardly function.

"I'm here," I told him, turning around to attempt to appear strong, but as I did, he was closer than I expected. Our front brushed and I forgot everything I was trying to prove. My thoughts were jumbled but I recovered swiftly. "What do you want?"

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