chapter eight

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By the time Demetrius's team had all batted, the scores were even. I watched the boy go to Demetrius and mutter something in his ear. The King looked up to me, before nodding subtly. Had I not been so intent on watching him, I may not have noticed the small motion.

"Scared, Winterbourne?" Demetrius asked as we swapped sides once again.

I stared into his eyes, glowing in the sun. "Never."

Each of my team played well. We secured a respectable twenty four.

I stepped up to the mark, getting into position for the last time.

Demetrius threw the ball, making it stay on course this time.

Again, I hit it.

I ran as I had before, making it several laps. As I was about to reach the one closest to Demetrius, needing to reach it before the ball was retrieved, I felt my foot catch something. The momentum at which I was travelling made me propel forward. Luckily, in the nick of time, I caught myself and managed to reach the post... only just.

"Did you really just trip me up?" I asked Demetrius, standing in front of him and glaring upwards. The sun was behind his head, so I had to squint to make out his amused features.

"I did?" he asked, pretending so clearly to be bewildered.

"If you want to play dirty," I whispered into his ear, pushing myself onto my tiptoes to do so. "Two can play at that game."

He ducked his head to mine. "Oh, I'd like to see it."

"Consider yourself warned."

He smirked, taking the bat from my hands. "I'll keep that in mind."

I watched him go.

I made sure to be fair each time I tossed the ball.

By the time it was Demetrius's turn, they only needed two runs to catch up to us, three to win.

He readied himself. He'd unbuttoned his first few buttons, giving me a delightfully distracting view of his toned and tanned chest. His hair was also a little more messed up, hands having been running through it for the last few hours.

He nodded to say he was ready. I threw the ball, half heartedly. His eyebrows furrowed as it bounced once, then twice before rolling to be at his feet. I raised my hand as one of the girls went to get it. She gave me a confused look before going back to where she was.

I made my way forward. I made sure to add a bit of a sultry sway to my hips, and subtly pulled my top down slightly to show a bit of cleavage. My eyes glued to his, I watched him swallow.

"I'm usually so good at handling balls," I said, bending down to pick it up. "I don't know what happened." As I raised, I made sure to come up slowly, staring up at him through my lashes. I hadn't noticed how close my face was to his crotch, but I played it to my advantage. My knuckles 'accidentally' brushed his crotch as I stood erect. I did it discreetly enough that no one else would have noticed.

"Is that right?" He asked, joking but his voice lower and more husky.

"Mm," I said, chest on his. He seemed fairly at ease, but being so close, I could feel him breathing more rapidly. Breath on his neck, I said, "I'll be more careful this time."

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