✰ Skincare tips ✰

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If you have a pimple DO NOT POP IT i repeat DON'T POP IT. Acne scars will be all over your face and squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper in the skin and the pimple to reoccur.

I suffer from bad acne and i'm planning to go to a dermatologist (if you want to hear my acne story comment ) and here are some of the stuff that helped me

1. Drinking water. I know this is so cliche but sis this does work. To make it easier get at least a 16 oz water bottle and all you have to do is just drink at least 4 cups of those.

2. Since i have oily skin sometimes combination, i can't really put oily products on my skin or i'll break out so i'll usually use an oil free moisturizer

3. Scrubbing my face and washing it in the shower really helps it just gets rid of the bacteria and the dirt and after i usually use micellar water which gets rid of the extra dirt

4.  Washing my pillow cases has solve my cheek acne so much. Girrl let me tell you your pillow cases are so dirty so wash them at least every week

5. Using face masks with tree tea oil helps so much it just rejuvenates your skin. You can add steam if you want to too.

6. Working out helps it may not help with everyone but hey everyone's different

7.  Knowing your skin type and what skin products you can and can't use will make your life so much easier. You can take a skin quiz and see what type of skin you have.

8. If you avoid makeup and let your skin breathe your skin will be happy

9. For acne scars use a spot treatment i use ambi and the products i use like Dermalogica help reduce the darkness of them

10. In some cases you can't change acne because it's in your genes but my family rarely had acne so it was just the lifestyle i was living and i am a teenager so i know what's expected.

11. Make sure to don't stress and get enough sleep

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