✰ note to self ✰

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- stop checking who's watching your story compulsively or at all

- stop deleting posts or pictures if they don't get enough attention

- stop trying to impress others not everyone is going to like you

- stop hating your skin your beautiful either way

- stop arguing with your parents they do a lot for you it's just you're too freaking stubborn to realize it

- stop being in a grumpy mood all the time no one would want to hang out with that, be happy for once .

- stop being ashamed of what music you listen to, everyone listens to different music

- if you wanna do something just do it you only have one life

- get the freak off of social media like now .

- if you know you're going to regret something do it anyway you'll regret it more if you don't do it

- nobody gets to tell you who you are

- you deserve to put yourself first period.

- no response is a response. And it's a powerful one. Remember that.

- sometimes being kind to everyone is being unkind to yourself

- chase your stars fool, life is short.

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