Taking care of you

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"Rog!" You call out leaning over the toilet "Roger!"
He runs up stairs and in the bathroom

"Baby are you okay? Sorry I didn't hear you at first I was making breakfast so you could sleep in"

He kneels down beside you and pulls your hair into a ponytail with his hands as you throw up again. Last night you had a fever and just felt achey, but now it's 20 times worse

"I'm not okay baby" you say with tears in your eyes

"I've thrown up 4 times in the last 10 minutes and I have a fever and I can't miss work because I don't have any days left and- "

"Shhhh" Roger says rubbing your back

At this point your full on crying and it's breaking his heart. He hates seeing you not feeling good and he especially hates when you cry

"Call off work baby, you don't need to go there, and you especially can't go there like this sweetie" He puts a hand on your pale forehead

"Bloody hell, your burning up babe!"

He hates that damn job of yours, it's not like it even makes you that much money, you just hate always feeling like your using Roger. Even though he loves taking care of you, you feel as you need to seem like your doing something.

"B-but Rog, I can't do that" You sniffle "I need to work, I need to make my own money. I can't be another girl who just uses you and I wouldn't want you to think that because I love you so so much. Not because your hot and have money, but because your you."

He smiles and chuckles a bit before rubbing his hand down your hair.

"I know you love me for me! And I love you so much for that, but your miserable at that job and I don't want to see you that way. So listen to me love"


"No listen to me. Here's what your gonna do. Your gonna call your job and quit. You are not going in when your puking your guts out and the fact you can't call off makes it an even worse job. I'm taking care of you whether you like it or not. Financially and while your sick. I love you more than the world and I want to support you sweetheart. You're the only girl I've ever loved, ever wanted to marry, and I want to be here for you. I love you so much Y/N"


"Please don't Rog me, I mean this"

"That's not what I'm saying this time" your eyes tearing up a little bit

" I want to say Rog, I've never been loved the way you love me, cared for the way you care for me. I hate that stupid job and I can't thank you enough. If you really mean this - "

" Of course I do, I really really do"

Even though you feel like shit, a big smile appears on your face

"Okay then. I'll quit. I love you so much. Thank you Roger. I just wish I could kiss you right now but I don't want to get you sick-" he cuts you off by placing his lips on yours

" I don't care" he smiles "Now let's get you tucked in bed. You call your boss, and I'll bring you up some breakfast in bed and some medicine. I'll grab a trash bin too to put next to you in case you feel sick again sweetie"

"You know your very demanding today" you say with a smile as Roger helps you cover up in bed

"I'm not demanding, I'm taking care of you as I promised to do. I'm not going to practice today, I'm gonna stay home with you all day and cuddle, I don't care if you sleep half the day. I just want to be here with you" he says smiling down at you, cupping your cheek

"Now call your boss, I'll be right back" he says kissing your forehead

~10 minute time skip~

"I'm back baby" Roger calls our walking into your shared room with a tray of some pancakes and medicine. "Did you call your boss?"

"Mhm and I'm now a jobless woman!" you say with a tired smile

"Yayy" he says sitting down next to you with the tray
You eat your breakfast and Roger puts the tray on the nightstand next to you, then he proceeds to crawl under the covers and puts his arm around you.

"Roger?" You say

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"You know what." You smile "For always taking care of me and loving me so much. Even when I'm gross and throwing up, whiney and sick. I don't know what I did to deserve you and I hope you know how much I love you."

" I knew what" he smirked " I just wanted to hear you say it. That's what I'm here for. I said I would always take care of you, so that's what I'm gonna do. Even when your whiney and gross. Not saying you are, but if you were, I'd still love love you as much as I do now"

"Mhm" You sleepily giggle

"Now as much as I love talking to you, you can barely keep your eyes open. Go to sleep baby, we'll talk when you wake up and hopefully we'll have you feeling better"

That's all he had to say before you took one more heavy breath, closed your eyes, and were lying asleep on his chest. He admires you for a second, acknowledging how cute you are when your sleeping. Not long after that he fell asleep with you, and it stayed that way for many hours after that. Just the quiet sound of in sync breaths, made by 2 madly in love people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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