The plan, according to Beastboy

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Avert your eyes from this living trash. For the love of god, please read something else on this cursed site.

This is your last warning.

(Robin's POV) 

We were back at the tower, sitting on the couch. Beastboy was making his presentation for his "bestest plan ever" in the other room. We all wondered what it was. All we knew was that it had something to do with Starfire. He wouldn't be dumb enough to.. No. he wouldn't.

"Plan's ready, dudes!" Beastboy wheeled in a whiteboard. "Ladies and gentleman, Robots and demons.."

"Just get on with it." I shouted.

"As you know, to find out who Red X is, he has to take off his mask. He wouldn't do that lightly. As you also know, Red X likes Starfire. I mean, Raven's banging, but X isn't flirting with her."

"Say that again, and your brain will be in your butt where it belongs." Raven said, without even looking up from her book. 

Beastboy gulped and stepped back. "So to get Red X's identity, Starfire will have to get close and personal, if you know what I mean." He winked.

"What are you saying?" I had a lump in my throat.

Cyborg sighed. "She'll have to kiss him, man." 

My heart beat a million miles a minute. I breathed in, and out to stay composed. "I don't think that plan will work. It's not.. very.. effective.."

"Well, you trying not to yell about the plan isn't very effective either. Titans east could probably hear you." Raven rolled her eyes. 

"We have to make sure everyone's ok with this. What do you think about the plan, Star?" I asked her.

I could hear Cyborg whispering "Jealous". I took a deep breath and asked again. "Starfire? Is the plan good?" I really hoped she said no. 

Instead she sighed. "I do not have the feelings for the Red X, but I will do the plan if it is to help my team." She crossed her arms and looked down. 

"Aw, yeah!" Cheered Beastboy. "Go, Star!" He and Cyborg hoisted her up on their shoulders, parading her around the living room. She did not look happy at all. 

"What's wrong, Star? We don't have to do it if you don't want to." I held her hand reassuringly. 

"Nothing is wrong, friend Robin. It is just..I do not know how to do the flirting of which you speak of." She looked embarrassed.

"Well, flirting is when.. um.. you like someone and you want to make them like you by saying cute things." I twiddled my thumbs anxiously.

"Yes.. go on.." She said.

"Like you say pickup lines.." Cyborg interrupted me and pulled me aside. "Are you out of your mind? Starfire doesn't need flirting, he'll be into her anyway. She just has to accept his offers, be herself, and know how to dance." He lectured me, and I hated every minute of it. I didn't want to teach her how to dance if she wasn't dancing with me. 

I pulled away from Cyborg. "Screw it. If you want her to know how to dance, teach her yourself. I'm going to my room." I was resentful, and I didn't care. The plan would be starting tomorrow. I just hoped it worked.

(Red X's point of view)

I switched off my TV in the small apartment. They were showing a news special about the titans. They reminded me of good people, long dead. I resented them. They were like a family, and I gave up on family long ago.  But I was drawn to them, especially that Starfire girl. She was sweet, innocent, and strong. I shook my head. She didn't deserve me, but then again, she didn't deserve boy blunder either. My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking at my door. I put on my mask and answered.

"Who is it?" I was annoyed that anyone would come this late.

"A dealbroker. I'm here to make you an offer." The mysterious man stepped inside.

I pushed the good side of me out of my mind. "I'm listening."


Comment who you think Red X is!

Insta: robxstarstar


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