20 questions

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(Starfire's POV) 

For the next few days, I kept counting down to the next date. I was looking the forward of seeing Red X again, and sharing enjoyable recreation. I stayed in my room for the many of the waiting days , mostly because Friend Robin was angry at me for not being able to complete the plan sooner. On missions I left, but things were the tense, and it affected our fighting, One time X was attacking, and we decided to not fight the him at all! "What's the point?" Robin grumbled. "Maybe you can kindly ask him to stop thieving on your next date." 

"I the will!" I shouted back, and I left for the park, waiting for Red X. I was very angry at friend Robin, but I did not wish to cause the rekmas.

I set up a picnic blanket, and X teleported the next to me. "I didn't see you earlier today, cutie. Was I too handsome for you to stop me?"

"You the wish" I grumbled. He sat down next to me, and took a bite of the doughnuts in the picnic basket.

"What are those cards for?" He asked, while munching.

"We do not know the each other very well, so I thought we would play the game called 20 questions." I smiled at the genius of the plan. Robin wanted to speed things up, so he bought this game at the store and told me to use it to get to know X. "Get any information you can." he said. I intend to do just that on this date.

"Ok, cutie. Nothing too personal, though." He looked the happy that I had brought out this game. A little too happy for someone wearing a mask.

 I drew a card. "First the question.. where are you from?" I asked.

"Gotham." he said quietly.

"Friend Robin is from there too." I noticed. A tracking device in my ear was picking up on his answers. These facts could narrow his identity the down.

"Now do I get to ask a question?" X asked.

"Go the ahead." I said.

"Do you really know anything about Robin? " He asked me, not even looking at the cards.

My heart stopped at the question. Robin knew about me and my life on Tamaran, but I realized that I did not know the his. Were we truly best friends if I did not know his past, his pains, and how to comfort him when he is the sad? I was silent and did not respond to Red X.

"Need some thing to think about it, huh?" he put his hand on my shoulder sympathetically. "I  also had a time in my life were people were around me, but I could not really trust them. I didn't know who they truly were. That's why I work alone these days."

"Is that why.. you are a thief?"

He went quiet.

"Petty criminals hide their face behind a mask of shame. You are a criminal, but you are the nice, and the caring, and I.." I forced it out, silently apologizing to Robin. "I am beginning to love the you."

That was all it took. He whipped his mask off, revealing wavy black hair, with a white stripe down the middle. He bore the many scars, and his eyes looked like they had seen the too much of the world. He smiled at me, and kissed my cheek.

"Jason." He said, confirming a long standing Beastboy theory. "Jason todd." he covered his mouth in shock immediately the after, realizing what he had the done. Inside, I whooped with the joy. The plan had finally worked, his identity was no longer secret, and everything could go back to normal.  When I was sitting there, lost in my happy feelings, Red X whipped out an electric taser and quickly jabbed me with the it. I fell down to the ground. The last thing I heard was "I'm sorry, Star." as he hoisted me over his shoulders, and the world turned into a dark night.


Will Jason turn her over to Slade? Will Star be tortured to get Robin's identity? Will anyone turn to the good side? Find out in the next chapters!

insta: apritelloforever


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