4. dancing together

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an old couple when their favorite song from when they were in their 20s, even tho they arent as flexible and unbreakable as they were back then, still swinging and putting on a show for themselves or their grandchildren. old memories flowing in for both of them and finding a new but also rather old love for eachother everytime they dance. being young and dumb again.

a girl! in a disco/club with her friends who are all not willing to spend time with her (boo whores), picking up a guy, standing alone at the bar with his drink. "come on boy, dont you wanna have fun? " her slightly double-tongued voice said, grabbing his hand and leading him to the middle of the dancing crowd. having saved the guy from having another sad, drunken and lonely night.

a couple painting their first bought home, listening to music and singing loudly. one song comes up and (A) starts slowly getting closer to (B) and suddenly wraps their hands around (A)'s waist, paintbrush still in their hand, accidentally making an colored stain on their pants/leg. "come dance babe.." (A) whispers in (B)'s ear. (B) turns around and starts... moving around??... not being a great dancer (at al) but still loving to do it. (A) smiles at them, knowing how funny (B) looks but still loving their smile on their face and knowing they want to spend the rest of their life with them.

a daughter of (A) having their first danceshow [however thats called] and being young and nervous, freezing in the middle of their dance routine. the poor kid almost starts crying. (A) almost steps up to console their kid but then see (B) stepping with their daughter on stage in a small tutu. (B) whispers something in the daughter her ear and she smiles and grabs (B)'s hand, together they dance until the music stops, (B) even trows a little lift into the choreography and picks up the daughter above their head and does a plie with the rest of the group, receiving a sea applause from the audience, making the daughter smile proudly.

a father and daughter dancing together the day before she gets married, the father just wanting to get all of the steps right and being nervous about it, not having a very good memory and not being a natural at dancing, but still wanting to do everything to make his daughters wedding perfect. at one moment the dance just clicks, he smiled proudly at his daughter, thinking about when she would already be thinking about this dance since she was very young. now being so grownup and beautiful.

(A) being an professional balletdancer but still loving to swing and dance ugly when alone or with (B).

im in love with this chapter ughh,
inspired by AEOOMI

FUCK. ➤ WRITING HELPDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora