4. underwritten characters & relationships

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characters & relationships that aren't written enough about

characters & relationships that aren't written enough about

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healthy, strong sibling bonds

two supportive, active parents

men who are open with emotions of all kinds

women who have no weakspots for romantic love

pansexual and lesbian characters in sci fi

intense newly-formed friendships

lust at first sight, reluctantly (& eventually) in love

lazy do-gooders

unlikely cat-people

men who are rough but aren't condescending to women

non-humans who live in a human world and have a cultural identity crisis

characters that willfully go to a therapist

delicated teachers

divorced parents and stepparents that care for eachother and work hard to be a loving support network for the kids involved

sex workers that are no angles or demons but complex characters just like everyone else


a deadbeat, unemployed female character

kids who are just as emotional intelligent as the adults

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