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...The Creation...

There is an old legend, it's unlike you have ever heard or read before. It's the story of the creation of three realms. The Realm of Light, The Realm of Dreams, and The Realm of the Dead.

The Realm of light was called day and during this time mortals thrived. They were unafraid for who could be afraid when there was light.

When darkness set upon the skies the mortals feared it so they would sleep at this time. Every time a mortal sleeps they dream.

The realm of the dead. There is not much to say about that realm. Death is inevitable. For no mortal or being could escape death though tons have tried during the course of time.

The creator of the realms had created three more beings like himself and he would call them his children giving them his powers and giving them each a realm to rule over.

Kyra, he created when the sun raised using the tendrils of the sun to make threads of her hair. Her eyes had a mixture of gold and brown almost the color of honey. Her lips were a pale pink and light radiated off her skin. She resembled all things light and it was only fitting she would be given the realm of light to rule over.

Kamaria was created when the moon was full and bright in the sky. Her hair was silver and so was her eyes. She was mischievous but harmless. She was given the realm of dreams to rule over. She would sometimes take pleasure in scaring mortals in their sleep giving them harmless nightmares but most of the time she gave them dreams that were pleasurable by letting them see things they hearts most desired.

His first created child was Rizor, he made his son with fiery red hair and dark brown eyes. Rizor always did his best to make his father proud. He fought for his father's attention.

The creator had loved his children equally and he thought that Rizor, was the most capable out of the three so he gave him the realm of the dead to rule over.

Their father had created a rule for his children the rule was that they would not seek to overthrow each other.

Kyra and Kamaria took pleasure in ruling over their realms. They were happy but Rizor was miserable for the realm of the dead was a dreadful and dreary place filled with tortured souls.

The souls of the dead were wicked they wanted to escape so they went to Rizor, to speak with him using his insecurities and misery against him. They said to him, "Surely your father disfavor's you and he loves your sisters more than he does you for he has let you come to rule over this dreadful place. Your father may not think you are capable but we do. We think you are more than capable to rule over all three realms."

Rizor heeded the words of the twisted souls and he went on to the realm of dreams to find his sister Kamaria. When he had found her, he did a spell to take her power for his own but before he could complete the spell, Kyra, appeared by her sister's side.

Kyra combined her and Kamaria's magic and Rizor was no match for both of them. Their battle shook all three realms and Rizor, disappeared undefeated but injured he retreated further into the dream realm.

Rizor was trapped in the realm of dreams because of his injuries. He needed a way to get his strength back so he disguised himself as something he knew a mortal feared.

Something horrendous, something that caused the human heart to stop beating due to fear, and when the heart of his victims stopped beating Rizor, consumed their souls which gave him strength, but this would not sustain him for a long period so he continued to take souls.

He soon grew tired of preying on mortals by himself so he created creatures that could shapeshift into what man feared. These creatures would be called night terrors and they would bring Rizor the souls he needed to survive.

Man was afraid of falling off to sleep after hearing incidents about men falling asleep and never waking up again. So Kyra and Kamaria sought their father.

Now the creator felt guilty for he saw the havoc his son had reeked over the living when they slumbered. So he transferred the last of his powers into beings that could go between the realm of light and dreams.

These beings would be called jumpers. They would live as mortals did but at night when they closed their eyes to sleep their consciousness would leave their body transporting them to the realm of dreams to fight off the night terrors.

It was like a curse that they weren't able to rest their consciousness at all but then again it was a blessing that they would be more powerful than mortals and practice magic.

One night the sisters found their brother within the realm of dreams, but he had no longer resembled a mortal man instead he resembled a demon with darkness radiating off of him. At this point, the sisters knew that this was no longer their beloved brother.

Rizor was unable to enter the realm of light for he now resembled darkness. He needed a being that was half-light, half-darkness, but also had mortal blood coursing through their veins, but no such hybrid existed until now...

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