Chapter 5

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"Behind you Ri," I yell to Orion and he sees a little too late. The tiny creature jumps on his back and he fumbles back.

"What the hell?" he says stumbling back as the thing covers his eyes with its claws. "Zel get this thing off me!"

"Okay just remain calm remember our training."

"I'm calm, I'm calm but I would appreciate it if you could get this thing off my back."

We are surrounded by creatures that look like mini demons. They have long horns that curl at the tips and wings on their backs. Their bodies look like it's made out of ash. Their eyes are huge glowing red orbs that are bulging out of their heads.

"Alright stand still."

"Don't hit me," he shrieks.  I raise my hands and aim it at the creature but Ri, keeps moving around and the thing is now laughing. Its voice is so deep and demonic for its tiny body.

What are these things?

"laisser," I manage to hit the thing and it lets go of Orion. The creature falls to the ground and bursts into ashes. When it does that the others follow suit falling to the ground and bursting into ash.

I stand confused. "Something is wrong," I say and Orion nods in agreement.

"Urm guys, this is far from over," the boy cowering behind us says.

Soon all the ashes start moving on the ground piling up together until they all form into one demon. The thing towers over the three of us and laughs menacingly.

The boy behind us lets out a feminine scream and covers his face as he starts mumbling incoherently. "Oh my gosh this can't be happening, I always knew I would go out this way, being killed by ash demons! but I didn't think it would happen so soon," he shrieks.

"Ash demon?" I repeat. I have never heard of such a bizarre thing before.

"Yes it's a demon that cremates its prey to devour its ashes," the boy says nervously.

"You need help kid," Orion says to the teenage boy. The 'ash demon' starts to close in on us and it smiles cynically showing us its pointy teeth.

"No I'm going to need help after this," I say.

"Zel do the spell," Orion yells.

"Ayrel lè cremar."


I close the door to my locker and walk down the hall with Morgan. The witch of north haven high, aka barbie, has been MIA for three days after our little incident. The world is a beautiful place when there isn't a beast rampaging through the hallways terrorizing students.

I still feel guilty for what I did to Morgan. When I spoke to her in school the next day I felt a bit odd around her. She knew I was acting differently with her and she demanded to know why. I had to lie to her and tell her I'm not and it was just in her head.

When we reach the end of the hall I realize that I forgot my copy of Macbeth for our English lesson today.

Damn, now I got to go back to my locker.

"Hey what's wrong?" Morgan asks.

"I will have to run back to my locker I forgot my book," I tell her before I turn on my heel and sprint back to my locker.

"I can come with you," she yells after me.

"No, it's fine. I'll meet you in class," I call back as I run down the hallway.

I run back down the hall again and enter the code for my locker. I grab my copy of Macbeth and decide to make my way down the hall again.

"Pssst....." I hear when I walk past a slightly open classroom door. I observe the door that's open just a crack.

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