Chapter 3

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The silence is spine-tingling. The suspense has Ri and I turning around with each step we take forward. The place looks like a run-down mansion or a very small hotel.

"Watch my back," Ri says and goes for the handle of the door. The door creaks open and a warm red light illuminates the darkroom. It's a fireplace. The crackling fire fills the silence. We walk into the room and a scream erupts causing us to freeze on the spot.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Omg, oh, my freaking god! Like what the, I can't even right now!," A feminine scream rips through the air and I turn around just in time to see someone run past the doorway of the room we in. The house settles into silence again and I take a cautious step forward.

"Let's go find the girl," I whisper to Ri. We walk back into the main large room. There are two doors at the far end of the room. Ri and I share an uneasy look for we know what it means.

"This is crazy. Don't you watch horror movies? Splitting up never ends well."

"I know Ri, but what other choice do we have." He lets out a sigh and moves to open the door on the left. Holding my breath, I walk through the door on the right. I nod at him and he goes through his door. I walk through my door to find that it's a dining room.

"Oh God no! Why, Why me?" I hear crying come from under the decorated table. I lift the table cloth and get into a crouching position to see the girl curled up in a ball.

"Hey, it's going to be alright," I assure her and she looks up only to have me stumble and fall flat on my backside when I see her face. Madison.

"Who are you?" She asks shakily.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I crawl over to her and she pulls away.

What, what are you doing?" She stutters in fear.

"Xechnàme," I whisper and my hands begin to glow with light. I do the spell so she won't remember her encounter with me or Ri when she wakes up. Suddenly the table flips over and crashes into the wall behind us.

"Ahhhhh!" Madison screams.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" I exclaimed looking at her night terror. It's a giant cockroach. "That's your fear," I ask, shocked, but she doesn't respond because she's busy screaming.

Orion runs into the dining room area so fast that he does a little slide almost losing his balance. He regains himself and comes to stand beside me."Is that a cockroach?" He asks and I can hear the humor behind the question.

Madison starts running around the dining room and the thing begins chasing her. I can't help the smile that creeps up on my face from watching Madison being tormented for a change. "Do you think it flies?"

Ri remains silent. He seems to be engrossed in her battle with the giant cockroach too. There is a point where she is backed up against a wall and tries to go left but the thing mirrors her movements. "Urm, Zel don't you think we should stop this."

"Urm, right let's get to it then. You get over to Madison and I will try and kill it."

"You going to need a big can of bug spray. Good luck with that."

"Ha, I rather take on the giant cockroach," I say and laugh at my inside joke, only to have Ri stare blankly at me.

"Ālō," I say summoning the magical energy within me. I hurl a ball of light at the giant insect to distract it as Ri goes over to Madison.

The cockroach turns around and walks up to me, shaking the ground with each massive step it takes. The thing is huge its head hits the chandelier and I strain my neck to look into its eyes.

in Between Realmsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें