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Just a few hours ago, the night sky looked so peaceful, with all the stars that make new constellations but now, the scenery is blocked by thick smoke. Heat escapes through closed spaces, fire erupting at intervals. All around, houses and trees burn down like fragile birds, bodies covering the now bloody earth. Some quiver in pain, taking in there last breaths, while some already lay dead.

A girl stumbles by, bruises and wounds covering every inch of her body. Her royal robes all torn and bloody, she holds her sword limply, her body giving away her strength. Tears sock her bloody cheeks as the girl continues stumbling while sobbing all the while.

'' murmurs she. On walking forward, the girl enters a now ruined palace, debrises surrounding her path ways. The palace grounds  are no less covered in dead bodies either.

'Eun Ho?' the girl calls, her voice barely audible. She scans the floor for a while, only to stop at a certain spot. Shock registers in the girls blood coated face when she lets out a howl and sinks to the ground before the body. 'Anyeo....anyeo....anyeo(no)!!' The girl cries on. Her heart bursting with pain. She cradles the boys head on her lap, tears dropping in his face.

'Stay with me. Please! Stay with me' begged the girl. The boy lifts his bloody hands and holds the girl's face for a while and sadly smiles up at her.'Guenchana(it's ok)' The boy ushers her. The girl cries on. 'Its ok. This is what's  supposed to happen. You can't change fate, you know.' Tells he. The girl can barely breathe.'But I was supposed to stop it. I was supposed to change it! But I couldn't. I failed everyone.' The boy still smiles on. 'Look at me.' he orders. When the girl does as told, he continues. 'If there's one thing I have learned from you after I met you, is to never give up. To fight on as if there is no end.(wincing). But then again, there are times when you have to do nothing but just let it go. That's how the world works. You can't always have what you want,you see.' Even though the girl knew he was right,it was still hard to believe the cold hearted truth, of the reality that's taking place. No matter how hard she tries, she can't avoid it.

'I have loved you in numberless forms, in numberless times. And I still do. Nothing can change that. But it's time you go back. Go back to were you came from.'

The words hit the girl like thick ice. She loved him too. Loved him enough to give her life for him. But what she disagrees is going back. No she won't. Not with everyone dying here.

'No. No I won't. I won't leave you!' The girl cries. 'I will be gone soon anyway. There's no hope for me. But there is for you. So please,(wincing) please go back. That's my last wish I ask from you. Please.'

The girl shakes her head in disagreement. She's about to speak up when a sword pierces through her heart. Blood gushes out of her mouth, her eyes rigisterig in shock. She turns to look at her enemy, only to find an arrow soaring through the wind and piercing the enemy in bulls eye. The girl, too busy collapsing, doesn't notices the Archer.

They both lie side by side, breathing in there last breaths. Thick fat tears roll down the girls cheeks. She saw this coming. And she wished it came. But after listening to what the boy said, she needs to full fill his last wish. She can't let him down.

Slowly but surely, the girls soul starts to live her body. Numbness takes over her legs as she takes her last breath. She looks up at the sky, stares at it for a couple of seconds and slowly, her eyes close shut.


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