Chapter 3

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One week later:

'Heres you ID. Thank you. Have a nice day!' Says the attendant in charge. 'You're welcome.' replied Son Hee.

The students of Hanguk University of Archeology where finally visiting Seoul National Museum as promised by the triplets dad. After Son Hee had the heated conversation with her dad that day, she went straight to bed, despite her sisters continues questioning about what was the matter. That night, Son Hee cried a lot. She cried until her heart stopped beating rapidly and her breathing became steady. Son Hee was hurted at how her dad could keep something so big from her, after all that dragging her into this mess of Archeology studies which she never agreed to do. She didn't care what happened to the Museum as long as she was kept away from it. But she wasn't. Her dad made her a part of it, and it was already too late to turn back. So Son Hee excepted her fate, even though she didn't like it.

Dong Hee and Won Hee learnt about what happened the morning after the incident. They were furious, but helpless. There was nothing they could do. No matter how much they try to escape, they will always be pulled back. That's the life they live. Not all rich people love there life, you know.

Hae Jin, Sarang and Min Jae were a little stunned when they heard what happened. It didn't surprise them that there dad hid such a big information from them. What shocked them was the fact that Son Hee lost her temper in front of there dad. For the first time ever, she spoke up of how unfair there dreams were treated just so that the company could go on. Had the triplets had a brother, things could have been different.

And today, they were finally visiting the Museum, as promised by there dad. They were all lined up at the receptionist desk, waiting in queue for there visitors ID. The triplets dad wanted to keep them as V.I.P. guest, but they denied. For once, they didn't want to be the center of attraction.

'Are you guys ready?' Asked Sarang, something she always does when they are about to begin something. They all nod in agreement. A few minutes later, a man in his mid 40s walked up to them, with a huge smile plastered on his face. The students all greet him with a bow and say in unison, 'Anyaghasyeo!(hello).' The man does the same, the smile still visible.

'Hello everyone! It's a pleasure seeing you all here today. I am Mr. Gong, Archeolgist in charge of the new section and your tour guide. Before we begin, how about we introduce ourselves? Hmm?'

Introduce? Noway! Son Hee thinks. If they introduce themselves, everybody here will come to know they are the CEOs children. The three triplets look at each other frantically. One by one, they all name themselves. 'I'm Sung Min Jae. Nice to meet you all!' 'I'm Park Sarang. I hope I'm lovable as my name.' 'I m Yoo Hae Jin. Pleasure to see you all.' At the end, it's just the triplets. Mr. Gong looks at them with expectation. Dong Hee takes in a breath, and then let's go. The other two do the same. They know they have no other choice. No matter how much they might be mad at there dad, they can't do anything when it comes to business like this.

Dong Hee looks up at Mr. Gong and says with a smile, 'I'm Lee Dong Hee, this is Lee Son Hee and Lee Won Hee, we are triplets. Nice to meet you all' Recognition falls on Mr. Gongs face. His smile grows bigger and suddenly, he starts clapping his hands like a fool of a man. Son Hee rolls her eyes in her mind. There it goes. Thinks she. 'So you are the kids of Mr. Lee am I right? I am, ain't I? Of course!! I knew it the moment I saw the three of you!!' He said in great delight. All the students look at them. Most of them already knew but those that didn't, start wispering.  'Hmm' mutters Dong Hee.

When Mr. Gong realizes the awkward tension in the air, he clears his throat and motions them to follow. The students pair up in groups of six and take elevators to the 4th floor of the building. When everyone reaches, Mr. Gong takes them inside a large room, surrounded by all the historical artifacts that were discovered. All the stuff, look new, since the last time Son Hee came here. None of these were there. Of course. What was she thinking?

'Ladies and Gentlemen, before you stands the remains of a lost city, a city that existed at the very same period of Goryeo, Baekjie and Silla. A city that was once called, and now will be remembered as Nihara.' There as gasps heard all around. Nobody knew that a city apart from Goreo, Baekjie and Silla existed during the Goreo period. They all wait for Mr. Gong to continue. 'Its a wonder how no one came across this discovery for the last 500 years. But not to worry anymore. The site was discovered between the border of South Korea and North Korea. Since the majority lay on our land, we took it to our study. But there is said be still, half of it to be buried in the land of North Korea. Now, let  me show you some of the wonderful paintings that were discovered.' Saying that, he walked forward while the others followed him. Taking a few steps, he stoped before a painting of a man in Royal robes.

'First things first. Let me introduce you to the last and the only king we came across, King Hashing. He was born in 835AD in a place called Cheenachong in Southern Nihara. He is one of the bravest ruler, who fought for his kingdom when he knew there was less hope. He is now regarded as one of the most youngest and bravest king and ruler in history. Be died in the age of 33, in the year of his birth, the year of dragon.' concluded Mr. Gong, his head bowed down.

Son Hee stares at the portrait for a long time. King Hashing... Murmurs Son Hee. Some how the name felt so familiar. Those shiny black eyes and thick black hairs. His hairs are tide up and he wears a red royal robe with golden embroidery work on the hand, and neck. He sits in the thrown with all his majesty, his look stern, yet attractive. After the kings portrait, Mr. Gong walks up to different paintings and explains each one. They come across a painting were a noble man is seen standing, all alone, but the meaning is obvious. 'This painting is of a warrior and a noble man named Go Shin Young confessing his love to a loved one. As you can see, there is no one with him. But the look and behavior, and the way he stands, says it all. Please take a careful look.'

Everyone does as told. Mr. Gong was right. One look at the painting  and that explains it all. After that, Mr. Gong turns to another painting  were two men are seen sparring with each other. Mr. Gong explains it to be two warriors and Noble men named Sung Taejoo and Xu Minsao having a sparring battle, in which Xu Minsao is the victor, because Sung Taejoo dies at that very age. Another painting shows a man sitting under a cherry blossom tree, smiling to himself. Mr. Gong explains it to be warrior and a noble man named Xang Lisang, when he realized he was in love.

Son Hee is confused. Noble men can never be warriors as long as they are not War Generals. Surely, the others are thinking the same. Sarang raises her hand,  and asks what was like in everyone's head. 'But sir, how can a man be both a noble man and warrior? That's just impossible as long as they were for the king, like Hwarangs who were for King Jinhyung. Don't you agree sir?' Mr. Gong takes in Sarangs question. 'It could be possible, yes. Our researches say something like that too. We are digging into it.'

Just then, a student walks over to a painting and asks Mr. Gong what it means. Son Hee turns to take a look. The painting is indeed confusing. The painting is coloured in blue, like the night sky. Strangely, there are three shooting stars, all shooting at same time. What a strange painting. Thought Son Hee. They all look at Mr. Gong for an explanation. 'Ah! That has an interesting story.' said Mr. Gong. Clapping his hands in delight like a fool of a man again. 'Those are the-' And that's when he's interrupted by a different voice. Everyone turns to looks at the intruder. A man in his late 60s, greying hairs long head, with a long pointed nose. 'The three shooting stars. Wish making Three. Shooting. Stars.'


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