39. josh's friend

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I believed Josh when he told me he could never love me the way I want him to.

I believed him when he said he's a one woman type of guy.

I believed him when he said his heart will always belong to Natalie.

I know his intentions were good because I know Josh is a good guy. He said all the right things and it could have ended there...

But I couldn't stop thinking about that stupid mug. The mug sitting on the coffee table of his apartment. I know that mug. It belongs to Natalie. It's not a mug you can just go and buy because it has her company logo so I know it's not a coincidence that they just happened to have the same fucking mug.


There is just one explanation to this. They are living together. It's pretty fucking unbelievable that they keep playing with everyone. They're living together behind Brad's back, behind their families' back, behind everyone's back. It's not right. It doesn't help that I'm feeling rejected and unwanted. What does Natalie have that I don't? I was there before her. Josh fell in love for me first. And now she gets to keep him. She gets to have it all.

I know that the right thing to do is to let it go and move on but I don't want to do that. At least not before giving them a little help. I may be doing this out of spite but they should probably thank me for helping them.

They should thank me for being the one to tell Brad about them. I'm taking that burden from them.

You're welcome, Natalie.

You're welcome, Josh.

I get out of my car and make my way into the station. I don't have Brad's number but, thankfully, I know that he works with Josh so here I am. He better be working. It's Saturday. I know Josh is probably still on leave from his accident so I know he won't be here.

"Good morning," the guy behind the admin desk greets me. "How may I help you?"

"Hi," I say with a smile. "I'm looking for Brad Andrews, is he here?"

"Brad?" He frowns then looks down at his computer. "Yeah. He's on call. May I ask who's looking for him?"

"Cassie." I smile.

"Cassie, okay. Give me a moment. I'll grab him for you." He stands up and walks down a hallway.

I stand there and wait patiently. I can hear the sound of a TV somewhere in another room. Seconds later, I heart footsteps behind me so I turn around. Brad is looking at me with a frown on his face. I can't tell if it's because he doesn't remember who I am or because he doesn't understand why I'm here to see him. Well, he's about to find out.

"Hi, Brad," I say with a smile. "I'm Cassie, do you remember me?"

He is wearing black pants with his uniform navy shirt tucked in. It seems like he just got out of the shower because his hair is wet. "Cassie, right. Josh's girlfriend, right?"

My smile fades a little. Oh how I wish that were true. That's all I wanted. I just wanted to be happy with Josh. I wanted our love story to be real. It wanted to believe that we were destined for each other. "Not anymore, but yes. I'm Josh's friend."

He crosses his arms on his chest, making his arm muscles flex. "Josh isn't working today."

"I know," I say. "I came to see you."

"Okay," He says slowly, still looking confused. "What can I do for you?"

I look around to make sure we're alone. We are but it's a really big room which means everything echos everywhere. I guess it doesn't matter. Josh and Natalie will know it was me that told him. I want them to know.

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