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It was a sunny morning.Y/n was sleeping peacefully until...

Taehyung:YAH!! WAKE UP U LIL SLUT! Make our breakfast NOW! *drags u to the bathroom*
Y/n:AAHH IT HURTS! p-pls let g-go *tears formed in ur eyes*
Taehyung:pfft b*itch.Hurry ur ass up! *push u to2ardd the bathroom wall and slams the bathroom door*

You quickly took a shower and dressed up.After 10 mins u went downstairs seeing ur brothers with an angry and piised off faces.You cooked for them pancakes and serve them.How about you? You didn't eat as they always don't allow u ti eat so u always had to sneak to the kitchen after school to eat.You also didn't get to eat lunch in school as the bullies always takes it from u.Right now ur chubby and since young u always struggled to lose weight but now ur getting skinny as u didn't get to eat or decided not to eat properly.

*time skip*
At School aka hell

You went in school and heard someone yelling your name from behind.You turned around and saw ur ur two bestfriends Lisa and jennie.

Lisa: Y/N!!! i miss u sho much*hugs u tightly*
Y/n:i miss u too!!
Jennie:Lisa stop hugging her,she's gonna die because of u hugging her so tight and look at her she can't breathe.*pulls Lisa away from u*
Lisa:아~ 미안해 동생아.(sorry lil sis)
Y/n:궨찮아 리사 언니.(its okay)
Jennie:guys its time to go to class.

You guys went to ur respective classes.You had english class.When u entered class u heard many whispers and laughing.Ur classmates talking about u and laughing at u.

Girl 1:eeew look who came in the class!?
Girl 2.its the trash that doesn't belong here.
Boy 1:hmm why is she even in our class stupid whore
They were many bad comments but u ignore it as ur used to it already and went to ur table.During lesson u couldn't really focus cause they were throwing papers at u and pulls ur hair from the back or side.Luckily the bells ring and u went to ur next class.After 4hrs of classes its lumch time.You waited for jennie and lisa infront of ur locker and they came not long after u get dismissed

U guys head to grab ur food and sit diwn on a table.When u were about to eat,u felt cold liquid on ur head.U look up and saw none other than NAYEON,ur bully and her minions,Momo,Jihyo and Mina..Nayeon is the leader aka queen

Everybody laughed at uincliding ur brothers as they were there sitting across ur table.You were angry ao u stood up and shouted at her.

Y/n:What's ur problem huh!? Pouring water on me.Do u think its cool to do it huh!?
Nayeon:How dare u talk back at me!?*slaps u*
You had enough of her so u slapped her but aomeone caught ur hand.You look to who it is and saw ur brother PARK JIMIN .

Jimin*what do u think ur doing to her huh!?*angry tone*follow me*drags u out of the cafeteria while the others follow*

He dragged u into an empty classroom and pushed u.
Y/n:o-oppa she poured water at me
Jimin:and do u think i care? I saw u trying to slap her u lil shit
Y/n:no! She slaped ne first.
The sad thing is that ur brothers didn't saw Nayeon slapng u.
Jimin:liar! Boys beat her
They started punching ur stomach,kicking u and slaping u.You were in terrible pain.
Y/n:AAAHH P-PLS STOP!!IT HURTS AARGH*your tears drop non-stop*

After 20 mins of torture u went to the bathroom and cry ur eyes out.U decided to go to the park instead of class.You texted ur bestfriends that ur going home as ur not feeling well.U sit down on a bench and calm urself down.its 2pm so u decided go go home as school has already finished.

Y/n:Im home!*walks in*
You saw ur brothers siting on the couch wifh their arms crossed.
Jin:where were u?
Jin:i said WHERE WERE U!? *he ahouts at u*
Y/n:a-t c-class*u were scared to death*
Namjoon:telling lies huh!? U didn't came to class for the last 2 hrs.
Y/n's mind:oh shit im dead for sure.
Namjoon:what now hm?boys go!

They started hiting u while cursing at u.
Yoongi:stupid lil shit!
Jimin:b*tch why are u born?u should die not our parents!
Jungkook:fat ass!stop eating and freakin lose weight u shit!

Those words hurt u so much.U ran upstairs to ur room and locked the door.U slid down while tears streamed down ur face.
Y/n:why am i even here? Why am i alive? I hate myslef!! I should be dead not eomma and appa.Eomma appa im sorry for being a burden for u im sry for having u born me.AARGH I HATE MYSELF!!! SOO MUCH!!
You went to the bathroom doorand locked it.U took ur razor blades and start cuting ur wrist 1 cut has 1 reason.In total there were 5 cuts.It stings but u like it as its not as painful as ur brothers torturing.U clean the remaining blood and went to ur bed trying ti sleep but u cant so u decided to take 1 sleeping pill.

To be continued~


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