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Dinner time passes by and Elmora kept Ilyana company while the female Human came back to feed Ilyana. She was served a chicken stew and water to accompany it. She ate that down quickly since she was famished, which the lady only left much faster, still bowing on her way out. Elmora stayed for a little while longer before hunger too, caused her stomach to growl. Ilyana told her it was fine and that she could go hunting for some food.

"Maybe you can get to eat some berries along the way," Ilyana also suggested.

"That might be a good idea, I did manage to find some thickets filled with the same berries we have at home," Elmora recalled. She stood up and stretched out her paws and hind legs. "I'll be back by nightfall. I promise."

"All right," Ilyana said then watched her best friend walk out the door and hear her paws sprint away in the distance. Ilyana shifted herself with her hands to get comfortable but then her injured side began to throb painfully, causing her to suck in air through her teeth and lightly place a hand on her side. It kept coming and going and when the pain came, it caused her to squirm and let out silent groans.

Thunderous steps came approaching her before she saw Ryu's head peak in through the roof.

"Hey, sorry about departing the way I did – wait... you O.K?" Ryu stopped himself as he saw the strained her expression was.

"I'm fine," Ilyana spoke through her teeth, painfully emphasizing "fine". "Just experiencing some pains."

"I'm not sure, it just really looks like you're in pain."

"Nothing I can't handle... God, it just feels like my insides are using a lot of needles to sew itself back together."

His expression turned into a frown, "You sure you don't want me to call for Jean? He probably can get help."

Ilyana mentally questioned the sudden concern but brushed it off by saying, "That would be appreciated but it's all right.

The minute she said 'all right' was the minute she felt the injury spike in its stinging as the sewing was nearly complete, causing her to squirm violently and avoid eye contact with Ryu.

Ryu sighed at this, looking away to the forests that were beyond the mouth of the cave, "Playing it off strong is good and all but it's not necessary, especially when you can barely sit up. When I see Jean, I'll immediately tell him about this."

The minute he looks back, he sees Ilyana shedding a few tears as her eyes were looking back at her coat.

"What's wrong?" Ryu asks, a bit startled and really on edge on whether or not to call out for Jean. He then looks at the coat, noticing it was ripped. He saw the embroidered fabric and new the coat was something that would've costed a fortune.

"The coat... it was a gift for my birthday... just so happened to be the same day I ruined it by falling to my close death," Ilyana croaks, only regret and sadness were hindered in her voice.

"Wait... your birthday was the same day you fell in front of me?"

Ilyana nodded.

Ryu's ears fell, "Damn... that's very unfortunate. Well, happy belated birthday I guess?"

Ilyana nodded again in thanks because she was afraid her voice would crack due to the tears and the bump that grew in her throat.

Ryu cleared his throat, looking back at her coat, "The coat, it's more than just something expensive that was given to you, wasn't it? It's important to you."

"It's important because it's from my parents who in turn, I have nothing to give back to them... I'm the daughter of a noble Elf man yet... I've been raised with good morals and not in a city-like environment where I never had the chance to be spoiled and instead lived in within the mountains near here. I've learned to appreciate my gifts because each gift I've received helped me live my life to the fullest yet I knew... I couldn't give anything back but my love though I wish there were times the gifts I return were more meaningful... I know there is a first time for everything but... I've never ruined a single gift I've been bestowed with... never..."

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