In Between

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Ilyana kept her worries to herself, but Ronan wouldn't say anything on the matter. She was torn between if it was he who knew what he said was wrong or if he meant it. The fear grew internally as to what Ronan's motives were. She knew she had to drop it though because it wouldn't help when his expression and whole aura was inflamed with grief, sadness, and rage.

'Ronan will talk to me when he is ready', Ilyana kept reminding herself as she walked beside him. They hiked through the trails of the forest, making their way back to the castle with Ilyana leading them.

"Why are we heading back to the castle?" Ronan asked, breaking the silence, to Ilyana's relief. "I understand that we need to go back to fetch horses but when they see me with you, they will question who I am."

"It's no use to keep your identity a secret," Ilyana elaborated. "Who knows if you still have your powers from when you were a dragon? Besides, the people will eventually know of our story through me because of what I've done. I already got their attention with the multiple stunts I performed with my powers and my story is spreading whether I like it or not."

Ilyana gave a grimace at that explicitly emphasized her detestment towards her gaining popularity.

"We'll be known as heroes," she sighed. "Which is something I am not looking forward to when facing everyone back home."

"I understand... I also agree," Ronan rubbed the back of his head.

"Also, after all of this and you meeting my parents, we will go to see your family. I haven't forgotten."

Ronan winced a bit at her statement, "Alright."

"Something the matter?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I'm just anxious."

"Well, do you want to go and see them immediately after we get some horses? We can do that." Ilyana was a bit unsure if that was the wisest thing to be done but she understood Ronan's impatience to see his family again but her way of seeing this is that there should be a process before they see him.

Ronan stayed silent, which surprised her because she did the uncertainty in his eyes.

That was when she grabbed his arm, making them halt in their tracks, turning his attention to her. That was when she proposed her previous plan but elaborated upon it, "Well, how about this? We still have to face everyone at the castle, it's unavoidable. Once we get horses, we immediately depart back to my home. I'm sure that my mother and I will help in you getting a desperately needed haircut, shave, and a new outfit that will better match the season."

Ronan was about to interrupt but Ilyana placed her index finger over her lips, signaling him to remain silent as she firmly stated, "Ronan, you have no money. It's the least we can do for you. You won't change my mind about this."

Ronan gave a defeated pout as he released a sigh of annoyance but didn't argue with Ilyana more about it, for he knew that she meant it.


Time went on as they caught sights of the castle's towers getting progressively taller and larger, closing in within the castle grounds. The couple was walking on a trail, sharing silence yet held hands. Ilyana was relieved that they were, for it made the silence less awkward and ridded of the tension that Ronan was emitting. Both of them knew what was coming and Ilyana prayed that Ronan's patience with her plan wouldn't run low. She was as desperate to bring him back to his family as he was but matters more pressing would have to distract them for now.

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