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A day came to pass where Ilyana became drafted into her training routine with Eldrin and other qualifying hunters. She familiarized herself with new combat techniques and was able to continue using and polishing her own techniques.

A lesson involved the use of her getting her first pair of hidden blades as her introduction to the King's private guard as an assassin. To Ilyana, it was an odd experience for it was a gauntlet and the blade itself was incorporated in a complex mechanical system. It took her a good handful of tries to even summon the blade. The day came to pass and she still kept earning praise from Aomaris when he spectated her whenever he wasn't attending to his normal princely duties.

But the following morning, Ilyana found herself in the second most comfortable bed she's ever slept in. She awoke gripping her necklace which glowed brightly with Ronan's pixie. She still thought about him and how will she see him again. The pixie willingly broke free from its place in the necklace and hovered in a hyperactive manner around her and snuggled against her cheek, making Ilyana giggle, rekindling that warmth she felt for him. She prayed for the gods to allow her to see Ronan soon.

A maid soon came in with the morning breakfast and Ilyana curtly accepted and the maid left.

Elmora woke up later and after exchanging good morning and their usual morning conversation, she departed to go hunt, leaving Ilyana to finish off breakfast by her lonesome. As she was about to have the last bite of her bread, a knock came from the door.

"Yes?" she said.

"Ilyana, it's Eldrin," Eldrin's voice came from behind the door. "May I come in?"

"Yes, come in."

Ilyana saw when him in his soldier armor, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "Huh, it actually suits you."

"Thank you," he chuckled. His smile dropped when he said, "When you finish, meet me in the courtyard. They're having a training session today and you've been asked to join by the Prince."

"Alright," Ilyana nodded and wiped her mouth, giving her tray to the maid. "I'll meet you there in about ten minutes."

Eldrin nodded then left, closing the door on his way out. Ilyana wondered what was on his mind, especially after his smile dropping so suddenly like that. It was unlike him. She put on her gear and her coat then made her way to the courtyard. She saw Eldrin conversing with the Prince as a strange hooded man walked off when she came close. Some soldiers stopped what they were doing to see her, especially since she wasn't wearing a gown compared to the other nobility visiting the court.

"Good morning, your Highness," Ilyana greeted, bowing.

"Good morning, Ilyana, I trust your sleeping quarters were suited to your needs?" He asked, bowing his head.

"Indeed they did."

"Excellent, I summoned you here so you could train with Eldrin today since the lead assassins are off on their personal missions. They're hosting duels and I'm intrigued to see your skills."

"Um... if you say so, your Highness."

Eldrin and Ilyana make their way to the center of the courtyard and practiced the basics of swordplay and defense, which Ilyana handled flawlessly. After a while, they switched to daggers then target practice which she too, handled with ease. Eldrin gave her a shield. To Ilyana's surprise, he had the court cleared, yelling at the other soldiers to take a break or stay to witness the duel.

"Eldrin? Aren't you going to give me a sword?" Ilyana asked, slightly unsteady. He didn't reply nor meet her eye either. He grabbed a sword and pointed it towards Ilyana. She instinctively went into a defensive stance. She thought he was insane and slightly helpless without an offensive weapon.

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