Chapter 22

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 The drive to the party was long and tiring, so I was glad when we finally arrived.

From the signs it looked like we were in Missouri, close to the Nebraskan border. The snow was magnificent. Being locked up in an apartment with no windows, I had practically forgotten it was still winter.

The mood in the car for most of the way there felt tense. James held my hand off and on much of the ride. He couldn't possibly think I was going to jump out of a moving vehicle, could he? Given what I did to him after Thanksgiving, I supposed he had every right not to trust me. I still couldn't believe he was allowing me on this trip.

When we finally arrived, the building looked like a country club.

"Wow. Is this a house?" I asked.

"Yes, this is Nathan and Jennifer's place," James replied.

We got out of the car, grabbed our bags, and James led me in.

He knocked on the door, and a man in his late twenties wearing a tuxedo opened the door.

"James!" he greeted, as he gave him a big, masculine hug. "Long time no see, man. So glad you could make it."

"It's good to see you again, bro." James pointed to me. "Nathan, I'd like you to meet Corrine. Corrine, this is Nathan."

"Well, hello there, Corrine." He reached for my hand and actually kissed it. A definite charmer.

"It's so good to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. Well, please, come in. Get out of the cold."

We entered into a magnificent foyer with marble flooring and a large staircase leading upstairs. His house was the biggest home I had ever been in. My entire apartment could've fit in his foyer.

"Let me show you where you can freshen up and change your clothes."

"Thanks for letting us spend the night," James said.

"Of course. We have plenty of room and love the company."

We took our things and followed him down a hallway.

"The party doesn't begin for almost an hour, so please, relax, and let me know if you need anything, anything at all."

Nathan was trying to be a good host, and I could tell he was comfortable in this role. Confident and handsome.

James began getting dressed in the bedroom, and he let me have the restroom to myself. I put on the dress and red high heels (I was not happy about those), and then began working on my hair and makeup. I wanted to wear my hair up, but I hadn't had my hair highlighted since October. It looked terrible in an up-do, so I settled for my usual drab style of loose curls. For makeup, I decided to go all out, including mascara and foundation, which I only did on special occasions—in my old life. In fact, it was my first time wearing this much makeup with him. I normally wore eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, and maybe lipstick.

Tentatively, I cracked the bathroom door open and inched out into the bedroom, embarrassed at the attention I knew I was about to receive. James stood up at once and didn't say a word, other than an approving gasp. It felt like that moment when I came downstairs for prom, and my date didn't know what to say. Neither did my father, with a mix of pride and paternal protection.

I stared down at the floor.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," James finally said as he walked up to me and put his hands in mine. "Look at you."

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