Chapter 7

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The next morning Draco was sitting on the bench at the train platform. The train station was packed with muggles. The only time he could remember seeing this many muggles was at Kings Cross on the way to Platform 9 ¾s. Hermione was at the booth buying tickets and renting a cabin as the train pulled up to the platform.

Draco was in a state of disbelief. He couldn't believe they were actually going to Romania. It made the ordeal with the horcrux feel very real. Since Hermione had taken the horcrux from him he'd tried to refrain from thinking about it, but of course it still existed. And they were on their way to try to destroy it.

Hermione, finished with her transaction, came and sat next to him on the bench. "What are you thinking about?" she inquired.

Draco hesitated. He still wasn't used to sharing his emotions. That was not the Malfoy way. "I'm just concerned about the trip. It just feels too real. I'm scared, Hermione," Draco said, voice trembling. He avoided eye contact.

"I know," she said understandingly. "This was how I felt the whole time five years ago when I we were hunting down Voldemort. But Draco, you're an amazing wizard," Hermione said, grinning. "You've already proved yourself more useful than both Harry and Ron on our trip so far. You'll be fine." This managed to get a smile out of Draco.

"You really think I'm better than Potter?" At this point Draco just wanted his ego stroked. It had been running on low for five years since he'd been learning how to be humbled. Draco still had a hard time discerning between ego and confidence, but he think this exchange was leaning towards the latter.

"You're competent in a different way. But you both have your strengths and weaknesses," Hermione acknowledged.

"Thank you Hermione," he said, smiling warmly.


Their train had arrived, and Draco spent his time marveling at the countryside passing outside the window. He'd only been outside the country once, to Durmstrang, but they got through by other means and missed out seeing every country they passed.

As night fell both Draco and Hermione were ready for bed and they found their cabin.

Hermione looked a bit nervous. They were both standing in front of a single door, staring.

"Hermione," Draco asked. "Why is there only one cabin?" He was sweating nervously.

"They only had one left. And it has two bunks, so I figured it would serve us just as well." Hermione took a large gulp. Hermione was avoiding having this conversation as long as possible because it was uncomfortable and there was nothing she could have done to fix it.

"Oh, okay," Draco attempted to sound nonchalant as he slid the door open. Two small metal shelves protruded from the wall, each with a thin mattress. "I'll take the top bunk, I'm taller. Can you give me a minute, I'm just going to change."

Hermione changed in the bathroom at the back of the car while Draco was inside the cabin. Hermione was grateful she had brought her flannel pajamas with horses on rather than her thin nightgown. Draco admitted her into the cabin, where he was already kneeling on his bunk. Hermione had never seen him dressed so casually before. She almost felt like she was staring into a private aspect of his life, one that was unguarded by his surliness and calculating attitude, as she looked at his knit shirt and sweatpants hanging baggily off of his skinny frame.

"Liking what you see, Granger?" Draco teased, grinning, but secretly enjoying the attention. He had always kept people at arms length, but letting someone in closer felt good.

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