Chapter 3

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"You are my dearest friend, my deepest love. You are the very best of me."

- The Best of Me, coming to theaters this Friday

Chapter 3

Aidan’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at her.

We dated before.

Dated before?

No way, is this chick on drugs?

He would definitely remember if they dated before, what? What is she talking about?

“You don’t remember?” Charmeine repeated, looking disappointed.

“No,” Aidan stressed out, suddenly feeling as if this woman is a bit insane.

“No, I guess you wouldn’t.” She muttered, rolling her eyes.

She looked around her and was satisfied that all of the tables she’s serving are still occupied with their meals, before turning her attention back to Aidan. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed her mouth again, patting her pocket until she reached for her wallet.

“What are you doing?” Aidan asked in puzzlement.

“Looking for,” She opened up her wallet and pulled out a hidden picture. “This!”

She turned the picture around to reveal a picture of herself.


This picture doesn’t look like her at all. The girl in this picture looks nearly 200 pounds instead of 120. This girl has that fake blonde hair color going on, and her clothes looked tighter than what her real size should be.

This person was not her.

Except it was.

And holy crap, he does remember this person because he used to date this girl not because he liked her – not at all. In fact, he didn’t even care about her.

But because he dated her by mistake.

.:Freshman Year:.

“I don’t know how I feel about this, man.” Aidan said, as he sits in the passenger staring down at his hands.

Bryan and Bill looked at each other before rolling their eyes. This is probably the third blind date they set up for their friend, and he’s still not used to it. Seriously, this man needs a girl already for goodness sake, it’s embarrassing.

“What if she’s some psycho killer or whatever?” Aidan rambles on, his head shooting up as he stared at them with wide eyes. “Huh? You two set me up with some murderer who –“

“She’s my cousin’s friend!” Bill snapped at him, glaring at Aidan as if he literally lost his brain.

“It’s time, now get out there.” Bryan unbuckled a slow moving Aidan and roughly shoved him out of the car, ignoring his struggles.

“Remember, if I text you ‘help’, you immediately show up and kidnap me.”Aidan reminded them, as he tries his best to straighten his shirt.

“Ew, kidnap you?” Bryan scrunched up his face with fake disgust. “Why would anyone kidnap you, that’s gross.”

“Screw you.” Aidan snapped, before turning around and taking a deep breath.

Okay, here he goes. He’s about to meet this random girl whom he never met, and is friends with Bryan’s sister or cousin or whatever he said.

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