Chapter Three: King for A Day

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Chapter 3: King For A Day

We all exited the car and silently walked up to the steps of the school. Question, oh question, here I come. We walk in and soon join the swarming mass of people rushing to get to class. Mikey still won’t look at me, and I can’t read Frank’s face. What are we gonna do? We can’t just hide the fact that we had not one, but two fucking make out session, one of which he doesn't even remember. This is getting ridiculous.

My thoughts are cut short when I smack right into someone. Oh great, lucky me. Guess who it is, hint hint, this isn’t the first time I’ve bumped into them. Everyone backed away from us, not wanting to get in between us and the jocks. I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t want to get beaten to a pulp, but I don’t really have a choice here now do I?

“Well look what we have here, the mute faggot, the deaf emo kid, and the schizophrenic psycho.” Blaise says. Frank scoffed, and he gets glares from almost all of the dudes in front of us. Everyone clears out the hall wanted no part in seeing the slaughtering of three weak boys. 

“I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that.” Frank says, I look at Bert and I see him grin but then go back to a straight face. Blaise tensed up and takes a step towards us. Me and Mikey step back but Franks hold his ground. His hands are in his pockets and he seems laid back and chill. Frank looks back at me and smiles.

“Don’t worry Gerard, Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die jäger.” He said and looked back to Blaise.

“You don’t know what you’re getting into short stack.” He says through gritted teeth. Frank laughs his little pot laugh. 

“For a minute there I thought you were complaining about your sore vagina.” Blaise pushes Frank back but Frank regains his balancing and stays upright.

“Giving you a chance here Iero, just walk away and you can get out of this unhurt, I just need to have a word with those two cunts over there, so do me a favor and fuck off.” Blaise finally says.

“If you bitched anymore I would think it was that time of the month for you.” Frank says but Blaise lunges at him with his fist raised. I want to stop Blaise but I’m frozen and either way, there is no way I can face him. Frank ducks Blaise’s punch and slips past him kicking behind Blaise’s knee. He falls to the ground, and Frank still has his hands in his pocket. I feel my jaw drop but close it. The bell finally rings and Frank takes a deep breath. He turns to look at Blaise who turned around so he is on his back but still on the floor. His nose is bleeding. He must of hit the goddamn floor (A/N see what I did there) so hard it broke his nose.

“Hold on, I'll go find you a tampon.” Frank says with a smile, it quickly disappears and he looks at the remaining four of the jocks who also have their mouths open in aw. 

“Look, this was me fighting without raising a fist and he broke his nose. Touch Gerard or Mikey and I will come after you. You don’t know me, you don’t know what I can do, but trust me, what I can do isn’t pretty. So do me a favor and fuck off, all of you and you,” he turns to Blaise, “If you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass. Also, you can do anything you want to do in life, just don’t be a fucking bitch.”

“Gerard, Mikey, lets go to class.” With that we go around the jocks and walk down the hall to our class.

------time skip to lunch cuz I'm too lazy to write------

“What the hell was that?” I ask Frank as we sit down at our lunch table. Bob and Ray were with as well as Mikey.

“Everyone in the school is talking about how you faced Blaise. He is the son of the principal.” Ray says.

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