Chapter Four: Sweet Transvestite

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Chapter 4: Sweet Transvestite

A/N It’s Toxic. I’m not going to help with this story very much, but what I am writing will be between these ~~~ so yeah.

Frank’s room was everything I imagined it to be. It was a small rectangular room with band posters scattered all over the walls. On one side was his bed pushed against the corner and opposite of the bed was a futon. There was a desk in the middle between the bed and the futon. Opposite of the desk on the far wall was two amps and a white guitar with sparkly silver letters on it that spelled ‘Pansy.’ Around it there were cds, vinyls, movies, and a TV with an Xbox console to the left of the guitar.

“Yup, that’s, my baby; Gibson Les Paul Studio all white guitar. My first guitar. It belonged to my d-” Frank cut himself off and shook his head before jumping onto his bed and messing up the sheets, burying his head in his pillow.

“Iv sovry meh mum iv a lwitwel crwavy.” Frank said, his voice muffled by the pillow.

“Say that again, I didn’t hear correctly.” Frank turned his head so he was facing me and Mikey who were sitting on the futon. 

“I’m sorry my mom is a little crazy.” He says with a smile. His face was squished from the pillow and he looked so adorable. 

Your room is awesome. Can you play some guitar for me and Gee? I will text Bob and Ray to get their asses over here too.” Mikey signs. Frank gets up and walks over to the guitar, picking it up and putting the strap over his shoulder. He plucked a few notes, tuning the guitar then got into a rhythm.

I watched as his body swayed to the unknown song he was playing. The song itself is slow, but it also it was also very catchy and almost lulled me to sleep if it wasn’t for the powerful rift that suddenly brought energy and mesmerized me. I watched as Frank’s face scrunched up as he concentrated playing, putting in all his might, will, and power into the song. His lips moved, forming words to the song, but he didn’t speak up. He finished, and Mikey and I clapped. I watched as his face went to a dusty rose shade then back to his regular self.

Dude, that sounded so fucking wicked!” Mikey signed. 

“Yeah, I saw you mouth some words, mind sharing?” I ask. Frank smiles and walks up to his desk and scaveges for something. He lets out a sound of triumph and walks to us with a green spiral notebook.

Different words in sharpie littered the green cover, but I didn’t get any as he flipped through the book and stopped on the song he wanted. Different chords where written around the lyrics and in the margin. At the top was the title of the song in heavy black sharpie. 

Do you have a tune for the song yet?” Mikey asks. 

“Yeah but my voice is shit, so I don’t bother to sing it.” Frank says. 

Gee can sing it to you.” Mikey adds with a smirk. 

“Haha, no, no way will I sing-” Mikey smacks my head and I cry out.

Just try you cry baby.

“I am not a baby!”

Well for a seventeen year old, you have some small ass teeth!” Frank started laughing and we both looked at him with our best poker face.

“Gerard, do you really have small teeth?” Frank asked. My hand shot up to my mouth and I shook my head no. I grabbed the note book and looked at the lyrics. 

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