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The streets of New York bustled with excitement, the cracked pavement and the stone brick walls all held the feeling of home for Sophia, New York was all she knew but she loved being ever so ignorant because she knew deep down nothing would ever c...

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The streets of New York bustled with excitement, the cracked pavement and the stone brick walls all held the feeling of home for Sophia, New York was all she knew but she loved being ever so ignorant because she knew deep down nothing would ever compare to her home.

The two girls walked with purpose throughout the streets, laughing and joking like old friends. Usually, they saw each other daily but as Sophia's visions got worse she saw the redhead less and less.

As the pair made their way up the stairs to the antique shops doors Sophia felt her head rush with images and scenes, this always seemed to happen when she came back home, she saw the same vision every time, a man turned around leaning over someone glowing, Sophia never knew what it meant but she knew it wasn't good.

"You alright there Soph?" Clary carefully placed her hand on Sophia who was grasping onto the stair railing

"Yeah I'm good just a little winded haven't been doing a lot of activity recently." She smiled back not wanting to concern the girl on her special day, she always tried her best to blind Clary from the reality of the world.

The two entered the building, Sophia was greeted with the smell of burning incense and happiness, her eyes were automatically drawn to the counter, a silhouette of a somewhat small woman leaned over the glass display cabinet hands covered in rings and bracelets delicately flipped over tarot cards, of course, it was Dot.

She spent hours down here making friends with the arcana and memorising the meaning of the cups, it was a little slice of life that never got bring or stale like most things, something she had to actually work hard to be good at.

"Hey Dot." The two said in unison, even though the pair were closer than a moth to a flame they weren't complete without there beloved Dorothea.

"How's you're future looking." Clary giggled while standing in-front of the cabinet.

"Not as good as yours." She smiles back at the two

"Last time I did a reading I got the Ace of Wands and Death, makes sense I was in the middle of finals." Sophia pouted as the brunette and redhead looked back at her with amusement and concern.

"The tarot cards tell me Miss Clary got into the advance program." Dots hands tapped the tarot cards before her with excitement.

"Oh, she's good." Sophia laughed back with a nodding head

"And by 'the tarot cards' you mean 'Simons twitter account' " Clary peered at the shopkeeper doubting her magical abilities.

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