chapter eight ... hit the jackpot

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Numinous (adj

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Numinous (adj.)
describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted.

I awoke to the sun beating down on my face and the sound of the waves crashing against the sand. Rubbing my eyes with my right hand, I felt pressure on my chest and looked down to see Elliott fast asleep on me. Her head was resting on my pec with one arm around my waist and her left leg draped over mine.

I smiled as I watched her sleep; she looked so peaceful and even more beautiful than the night before with the early morning sun emphasizing the lighter brown streaks in her hair. I lightly began to trace the tattoos she had on her arm: a sleeve that contained flowers and some mandalas. I noticed a small gap near the elbow and chuckled at the thought of her not wanting to deal with the pain that came with getting that area done. Normally I wasn't a fan of sleeves on women, but it fit her personality perfectly and made her even more attractive.

She stirred slightly and wrapped her arm tighter around my waist as she hummed softly. Elliott opened her eyes into a squint before a yawn ripped through her that caused me to chuckle. Abruptly sitting upright, she looked down at me in surprise.

I raised an eyebrow at her as my smile fell after taking in her expression before it disappeared completely as she scurried out of the hammock.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat up and watched her grab her shoes. Elliott didn't say anything as she practically ran off toward the parking lot and I noticed that Benjamin's car was gone.

Approaching her, I put a hand on her shoulder which caused her to jump as she spun around and glared at me before she released a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry," she breathed out as she put a hand to her forehead and adjusted her weight between the balls of her feet. "I'm just... never mind."

"No, what?" However, instead of replying, she gave me a fake smile as she folded her arms over her chest, clearly uncomfortable with being vulnerable.

"I hate to ask this of you but would you mind giving me a ride home?" Elliott asked as she avoided eye contact. "My phone and wallet were in the car so I can't order an Uber."

Chuckling softly, I nodded as I walked past her toward the car. Opening the passenger door for her, she gave me a genuine smile as she slid in and I closed it shut behind her. Heading around the hood of the car, I looked at the beach one last time and couldn't stop the Cheshire grin that came to my face knowing that it had been single handedly one of the best nights of my life.

Sliding into the car, I handed her my phone and she gave me a confused look as I turned on the car. Smiling, I told her, "You can pick the music after you put your number in."

Elliott laughed and shook her head but my smile grew wider as I saw her actually adding her contact information. Pulling out of the parking lot, she switched on some rock music and I turned to look at her for a brief moment in shock.

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