Chapter 1

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"Stoney get up" janet yelled . "Ergg" i grown. Where am I ? What's that smell? I look around the room and notice im laying in the bathroom floor. "Fuck Stoney are you up yet?" she yelled again " yes im up God" I yell. I attempt to move but i feel a sharp pain run through my body . After laying in the floor for 5 mins. i get up and walk down stairs, "Stoney, how fucking nice of you to join us." Danny smiles gritting his teeth. "hello Miss.Rose , are you ready?" The lady in the black suit and tie asks. "for?" I ask giving her a "go to hell" look as I wait for a reply. " to leave dear, do you have your bags ready?" She asks quietly. "were the fuck am I going?" I question "your adopted you little bitch" Janet laugh "Stoney get your bags were leaving." The lady says pushing me upstairs to my room. "pack your bags were not coming back here for anything" she says lightly.

Hiya...I will try to update everyday...Uhmmm if you guys read this and you like it tap dat star like its Niall Horans ass😂😂😂 and Ya if you want comment and tell me what you guys think go ahead and do itttttt:))))))

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