No Solo No More

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Tuesday 4:00 pm

l come back from school and immediately dove into my schoolwork. Clearly, being a senior does nothing to lessen your schoolwork.

Immersed in my writing, my phone bleeps in alert of a new text. It's from my boss, saying to come to headquarters at 5:00 pm.

Why would he want me there?
I'm not on the job today.

Distracted from the message, I quickly finish my English work and head to get my uniform.

Black Light's official uniform is all black, but uniforms are only meant for missions. Meetings or any events in headquarters just means all-black clothing. We all have to have bulletproof vests underneath our everyday clothing, and some people have certain ID bands or jackets to identify what stage they are in at Black Light.

I rank in the first place, so I have a certain
wristband that grants me access.

I head into my closet and pick up black jeans that lace up at the bottom and a black t-shirt with my customized black leather studded jacket made from the same material as our BlackLight uniforms.

I absolutely love it.

I keep my long light brown hair out. It's curly but wavy, it is honestly confused. I put a rubber band on my wrist in case I need it and head out the door to go to headquarters.

I am very capable of driving, but I have a chauffeur for Grace and I in case. He takes me to to the building. When I scan my wristband for access into the building, the automated voice says to head straight into Boss's office so I do just that.


As the doors open, Boss stands up to greet me. Even with him being a hotshot leader, he gives a warm welcome to his people. Well, maybe with me its a bit biased.

"Good evening Natalie", he says shaking my hands warmly.

"Evening Boss, what's up?"

"Well I wanted to congratulate you again for completing your mission last night"

Why is everyone so happy?

It was one small mission.

"Thank you, but I have done much more difficult missions than that one."

"Yes for sure, which is why I am assigning you to this specific mission."

Wait, that fast?

"What is the mission?", I ask curiosity clear in my voice. It hasn't even been a full 24 hours yet I am assigned to another.

"Well, I would like to explain alongside your partner. But it has to do with your school."

My high school?
What's going on?

"Partner?" I ask.

"Yes, I know you like flying solo but I believe it will be better with a partner. Why don't you meet him?"



"Fields, you may come in", his booming voice says standing up.

Out of habit, I stand up with Boss,  still trying to comprehend what he is saying. I never partner up. I would rather get shot than work with people.

And what does my high school have to do with this?

Before I can take this in, I hear the door open and see a tall slightly broad silhouette dressed in black.

"Mr. Fields, welcome", Boss says, shaking his hands with the tall man.

I finally glance at him. Damn, he's a sight. He looks like he could be 20, but something tells me he is my age. After he shakes hands, I see him glancing at me. I quickly nod in acknowledgment.

Where have I seen him before?

"Natalie, this is Lucas Fields, the head male spy in the region. He's also ranked one, the male version of you.

Oh, that's where.

"I flew him here to headquarters to help you. I know you don't prefer partnering up, but in the long run, it will do you well. It is also a chance to meet the top male spy as well", he says signaling to Lucas.

"What's the mission on? You said it had to deal with my school?", I said, wanting to get the point.

"Right, well, someone is leaking private information about Black Light to our enemies."

"Like Black Star?", Lucas said the same time I said Black Star. We looked at each other for a second then focused back to Boss.

"Or is it C.O.D.E  or  H.E.X.A?", I say, naming the three opponents we have.

C.O.D.E is the less intimidating enemy, mostly fuelled with jealousy towards Black Light, and H.E.X.A and Black Light have always had bad blood.

"We don't know yet, but we do know this person attends your school, so we assigned you.", Boss replies.

I stare at him for a little longer than the standard time from thinking.

If it is in my school why can't I just work alone?

Partnering up gets a bajillion times harder. I have to listen to the other person's opinions and shit instead of just doing it.

Why did he ask this guy to help?

"Natalie, is everything alright?", Boss asks, interrupting me from my confused thoughts. I realized I was staring too much.

"Uhm, yeah."

"Mr. Fields, pardon us for a minute, please." I see his head nod in my peripheral vision and then hear heavy-duty boots thomp, exiting the office.

"Natalie, I know you don't like this I can tell, but you are a very good and smart agent. Just like your parents."

I immediately frown, and so does my boss.

My parents.

"I know, Natalie I miss them too. They both were such amazing agents. Especially your father, he was such a good companion to me", he says his face in a somber mood.

My father and my boss were such good friends, he would come to my house when I was a kid and play with me. I guess that's why its not weird when he calls me Natalie or congratulates me after a mission. He does it because my parents would have done it.

I miss them so much.

We stay in silence for a few moments, until I straighten up and push the ache away.

"You can leave for the night Natalie, on your way out please bring Lucas", Boss says dismissing me.

I give him a nod and head out the door closing it. I see Lucas on my right, leaning against the wall. He looks at me when I exit the office.

His eyes.

A stormy grey-blue.

You could never know which color it was, to some it may look black but not if you look closely.

After a few seconds of getting sucked in, I look at him and nod to the door, indicating that Boss wants to talk to him.

He looks at me, not breaking eye contact once as I curtly walk out of the building. I hear him push the door after I am a few feet away.

Who is he?


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