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**** school lockdowns are real and it's scary for many. I hope you all are safe with this pandemic and are well :)***

I wake up in full alert.  I knew what happened and it hasn't even been a second since I woke up. We can tolerate smoke so we don't pass out for that long.

But we are still human.

I look around to see I am in a room laying- now sitting on a white mattress bed-couch thing.

I don't know wtf this is.

The room had rustic brown walls like metal type but the floors were  abolished black square tile. I rub my eyes from the drowsiness the gas gave me.


I look around for someone and get up to find a metal door with a tiny window at the top. I search through and see no one.

Ugh Great.

I think back. Monoxide at the school. Jasmine getting captured.

Oh, shit is Jasmine okay?

Is she here?

I hear the door locks opening before I can think further and I turn to see the figure who gassed me.  He still has his mask on and the same clothes. I check my smartwatch to see it's 1 pm, which means I wasn't out for too long.

"Finally awake aren't you?"

"Where's Jasmine? Do you have her?", I ask worried as she was my responsibility even though she is an independent woman.

He laughs.

"Answer my question."

"Relax buddy, your girl is fine." He walks towards me. "She's your girl right?"

I roll my eyes. "No, I don't do girls."

"So you do guys?", he says tone amused.

I give him a fake smile and a middle finger and he laughs.

"I'm not here as your enemy, I'm sure you guessed by my questions.", he says tone more serious.

His voice is so familiar.

"Where am I?"

"H.E.X.A Headquarters."

My eyes widen in anger and he notices as he takes a step back in fake surrender.

"Dude, as I said, I'm not your enemy."

"You work with H.E.X.A,  I know you were involved in the break-in", I say getting worked up. "YOU guys are the reason why my school is in a  scary lockdown and you have the audacity to lock me here? You better get me out before I chop your b-"

"Calm your girlie titties, Sherlock. I'm a Combat Trainer here, I know every little trick especially the famous "I'm gonna chop your balls" one. As I said, I'm not your enemy."

My stance is tall, I don't know what he means but I don't show it. "Then what are you, my friend?"

"Not exactly."

Angry, I push him against the metal door. "Tell me what you want with BlackLight. Tell me now, I don't waste time."

He tenses under my hand.

"Wow, you are reallly aggressive, Brother."

This is the second time he's said that. My hands still hold him hostage but I feel my brows furrow in thought.

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