33. Pep Talks

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Nolan and I had been driving up to the dried up creek for almost a month now. Still, I got this nervous mass of butterflies in my tummy and changed outfits at least three times before he picked me up. The feeling seemed to have gotten worse since the game the other night.

That kiss was still fresh in my mind. I couldn't tell if it was also playing on constant repeat in Nolan's head. Honestly, he acted like it never happened. I hoped he was only acting.

I was just about to change for a fourth time when my phone rang. Nolan's face popped up on the screen. Could he feel me thinking about him?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey." He dragged the word out a little, like he was leading up to bad news. Was he cancelling our date? "You know how you told me to stop pushing my mom away?"

"Yes?" Where was this going?

"Well, I did. Now she wants you to come over for dinner," he said. "Tonight."

"Oh," I muttered as my mind began churning a mile a minute. Dinner with your boyfriend's family was a big step in a relationship. I didn't know what it meant when it came to fake dating. "Does she know that we're not really—"

"No, she doesn't." He paused a beat. "You mind if we keep it that way? She usually hates the girls I bring over. She likes you, though. Thinks you're a good influence."

I smiled at that. Having his mom's approval was something I didn't realize I needed. "Okay. I'll be over soon."

* * *

I smoothed invisible wrinkles from my dress then rang the doorbell of Nolan's cozy, grey house. The door opened before the tune of the doorbell stopped. Nolan was standing on the other side of the door making me look over dressed in his jeans and t-shirt.

"You're late," he teased, closing the door once I was inside. He had already pointed that out through his many texts. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was nervous about me coming over.

I held up a box of warm pastries. "I had to make a stop."

"Oh, you're here." Mrs. Chambers stepped out of the kitchen, a wide grin on her face. She looked a little more fragile than the last time I saw her. If I didn't know she was sick I'd think she was some new trendy diet.

"These are for you," I said, handing her the pastries.

Her smile became brighter as she peered into the box. "Red velvet cupcakes? These are my favorite." She looked up at her son. "Did you put her up to this?"

Nolan's brows raised as turned to me. "I did not."

"I need to hide these before your father gets his hands on them. The whole box would be gone before dinners on the table."

Mrs. Chambers shuffled back into the kitchen where she tucked the box into the microwave above the stove.

"You actually remembered my mom's favorite cupcakes?" I gave a small shrug in response. It came up once in our many creek dates. "I already told you she liked you, there's no need to be a kiss ass."

I smacked his shoulder. "Shut up."

The back door slid open and Nolan's dad walked through. He looked nice when he wasn't covered in greasy coveralls. "Nole, keep an eye on the grill, would you? I have to run to the store to get—"

"William." Mrs. Chambers scolded her husband. Fragile or not, she looked fierce standing there with her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. Nolan looked so much like her. "Our guest is here." She motioned to me.

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