39. Christmas Eve (2)

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The house was busy with caterers and decorators. Dad's already impeccable house looked even more polished and festive with all the garland and bright red bows everywhere.

The smell of ham coming from the kitchen made my stomach growl as I looked myself over in the  full length mirror on the closet door. My dress was silver and sparkled when I moved. I dressed up my usual high-puff by adding two criss-crossing braids in the middle, decorating them with silver cuffs. I was applying red lipstick when Marley came into my room to collect the rest of the dresses.

"You look beautiful," she said, flashing a gap toothed smile. "Your dad said you needed me to drop something off for you in Bellcreek?"

"Oh, right." I grabbed the gift wrapped box from my desk containing the jewelry box for Allison. "Are you sure it's not out of your way?"

She waved it off. "Of course not. I have to drive through Bellcreek to get to my parents' house."

"Well, thank you, Marley," I said graciously.

"Don't mention it," she insisted. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

Once I was alone again I added the finishing touches to my look—earrings, heels, a silver necklace Dad gave me earlier with a charm of my initial. Taylor had one too. He insisted we wear them tonight.

He insisted that I do a lot of things. He wanted me to make conversation with his guests, to mention college and studying business (something I wasn't entirely sure I was interested in). Obviously there was someone that'd be at the party that he wanted to impress.

I found out who about an hour after the party officially started. Dad dragged me away from a woman showing me pictures of her new kittens to meet one of his clients. The man had cropped black hair that grayed on the sides and tanned skin. He looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. Not until he introduced himself. Ivan Grice. As in Nick Grice's father.

That was confirmed when his three kids appeared beside him. Farrah went from shocked to uninterested in a split second when she saw me. Nick smiled like we were in on some inside joke. Their younger brother, Zac, was too invested in a game on his phone to pay any attention.

Eight billion people in the world and my dad had to do be doing business with the Grice family.

"Raising two kids on your own can't be easy," Mr. Grice commented after we all exchanged greetings.

"It's a challenge," Dad said, bouncing Taylor in his arms. "But I manage."

On the outside my smile remained, but inside I was screaming. What the hell? He'd been raising us on his own for all of two days. Was that why he wanted us here? To play the part of the loving family?

"Oh, don't I know it." Mr. Grice chuckled, slapping Nick on the back. "This one here is responsible for ninety percent of my grey hair."

Nick mimicked his Dad, slapping him on the back and grinning. "And he's the reason for mine." Their laughter seemed forced, like the whole bit had been scripted.

"Well, Bryon, why don't we leave the young people to themselves while you tell me exactly how you cheated me out of a win last week."

Dad handed Taylor off to me like she was a dirty towel he was through with. "Cheated? You were the one hiding cards up your sleeve." The conversation between Mr. Grice and my dad faded as they got lost in the crowd of fancy dresses and suits.

"Where's the bathroom?" Zac asked, not bothering to look up from his phone.

I snapped out of the haze of fake Dad left me in. "Uh, right at the end of the hall." My pointing was useless since he didn't spare me a glance. Still, Zac managed to maneuver through the crowd with his eyes on his game and not bump into anyone or anything. The kid had talent.

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