42. Never

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Three times I've woken up in the arms of Nolan Chambers. The third time really was a charm. Neither of us were drunk and I didn't have to suppress how I felt being so close to him. It was perfect and safe and I didn't want to be anywhere else.

I didn't know what time it was, but I could see that the sun was up. The cold morning air gave me a reason to move closer to Nolan. Mom would probably have something to say about me staying out all night, but none of that mattered at the moment.

All I cared about was the adorable little snore Nolan had. How his legs tangled around mine. And how his long hair was a curtain of blonde across his face.

I pushed it away, revealing more of his peacefully sleeping face. Never in a million years would I have imagined a scene like this. Me and Nolan Chambers? Life had a way of taking unexpected turns.

"Are you watching me sleep?" His scratchy voice startled me. How did he even know? His eyes were still closed.

My cheeks went warm as a smile spread across my face. Busted. "No."


I kissed his chin and his impossibly long lashes parted to show me his golden eyes. "I couldn't help it," I admitted. "It's still kind of surreal. Us, I mean. I keep think I'll blink and end up in my bed alone, waking up from a dream."

When his hand traveled down to my thigh I thought we were going to have a repeat of last night. Instead he pinched me.

"Ow! What was that for?"

He chuckled as I smacked his shoulder. "Now you know you're awake."

I smiled again, burrowing into his chest. "Good."

"I know what you mean, though," he said, his fingers absentmindedly dancing along my arm. "I keep thinking you'll blink and realize you can do better."

I pulled back so I could meet his eyes. "Never." And I meant it. It kind of scared me how much I meant it.

He smiled at my declaration. Making Nolan Chambers blush was becoming one of my favorite hobbies.

When he moved in to try and kiss me, I broke from his hold on me a rolled away. "I have morning breath."

He gripped my bare thighs, pulling me back to him. "So what?" He said as he hovered above me. Then he kissed me and there was a repeat of last night.

We spent the day in his bed. Me in one of his shirts and him in his boxers, eating cereal and watching reruns of The Fresh Prince. Talking about nothing and everything. More kissing. More touching. More feeling like every inch of me was on fire and loving every second of it.

I didn't want to leave his bed, his house, his arms.

Unfortunately, the outside world didn't want to cooperate with our plans. Nolan's parents were on their way back and my mom wasn't going to stop texting until I got home.

When Bee messaged to let me know she was outside waiting Nolan walked me to the door, kissing me one last time.

"I don't want to go," I said, our foreheads resting against each other's as we stood in front of the door.

"Okay." Before I realized what was happening, Nolan had scooped me up bridal style.

I let out a shriek of laughter as he started to carry me back to his room. At the same time my phone was going off in my pocket. It was either Bee or Mom to ruin the fun.

"Nolan, I have to."

"Fine." He walked me back to the door before setting me on my feet.

I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him tight as I looked up at him. "But I'll see you tomorrow."

"That's like a month away."

I giggled. "Who knew you could be so clingy?"

"Says the girl with the death grip on me."

I let him go, stole one last kiss and hurried out to the car before I lost the will.

As Bee left Nolan's street she had a smirk on her face and she kept glancing at me from the corner of her eye.


A mischievous grin spread across her face. "You're hairs is a mess and you smell like sex."

"I do not!" I gaped. " I smell like my vanilla body spray."

"Exactly. After you have sex you drench yourself in perfume as if someone could smell it on you."

I couldn't even argue with that because it was true. It was a silly ritual, but it made me feel better. Well, it did. Now my secret was out.

"So...how was it?" She asked when we stopped at a red light.

The question was innocent enough until I realized she wanted to know about the size of his package.

"Anyways," I said pointedly. "How did things go with Gia?"

I had assumed that since she didn't come back or call me last night things went as planned. Apparently, they did.

Bee told me that the "bestie" Gia referred to in her post was another cheerleader who was practically Gia's sister—and straight. When she caught up with them at SweetFrog Gia didn't want to talk at first, but saying no to Bee wasn't easy. I knew that for a fact. They talked, they cried, they...

"In my backseat?" I exclaimed, looking back there as if I'd be able to see anything.

"Relax, J. We didn't do anything," she assured me. "The only person having sex last night was you."

We were parked in her driveway now. Had been for about twenty minutes as she told me everything. Before she left my car and I switched into the driver's seat, she told me that she covered for me with my mom.

"I don't deserve you," I called out as she headed for her front door.

She winked at me over her shoulder before disappearing into the house. I got another text from Mom and immediately headed home.

* * *

Later that night I tried to work on some homework a particularly evil teacher gave us the day before break. My attention was elsewhere, though.

I stared at my phone, willing a text from Nolan to come through despite the fact that I turned my phone off thirty minutes ago. I thought it'd help my obsession with it, clearly I was wrong.

Giving in, I turned my phone back on. As I waited for it to boot up I doodled hearts in the margins of my homework. Hearts. Like I was some love sick sixth grader. Maybe I was.

When my phone finally turned on I was both relieved and disappointed because there was nothing from Nolan. If he had texted my homework definitely wouldn't get done.

There was an email, though. An official one from the school. I clicked it open, immediately knowing what it was when I saw the gold crown at the top. My eyes skimmed for the information I wanted.

We were in.

Nolan and I were one of the final six couples to get a shot at the grand prize. Now, that was a reason to put my studies on hold and text the guy I've been missing since I left his house.

We're in!!
Final six!!!

I can already taste the tea and crumpets

What are crumpets?

We'll find out when we win 👑

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