Part Of Us

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Looking at some clothes to replace whatever happened to your others that seem to have disappeared? 

"By a?"

"Dirty Cotton Troll." Venom says on your shoulder as you nod your head looking at a shirt. "Ah! So, did this Troll?"

"Dirty Cotton Troll." He corrects you while he looks around. "Just came into my room and shredded up my clothes, including the ones I wear." Raising an eyebrow at Venom who's still looking around the store. Your Venom seems be a very possessive symbiote. 

Not even allowing a guy to come up to you to say hi. He's extremely jealous even toward pets. So hearing him talking about a Dirty Cotton Troll leaving you naked in bed. Raises a few questions on why he didn't do anything. 

You know it's a lie.
Do you?

Well, you have an alien slime ball clinged onto you. So why not believe that their might be Stephen King Troll running around your room?

"Aaaand you, let it happen?" 

Venom looks at a navy blue dress at the end of the store. "Look! Look!" You look at him and at what he's focused on. "Oh no! I'd never fit in that." You pinch your sides. 

Venom growls examining you. "Try it. For me." You snickered at a mental image of a buffy venom in a dress. "What?" He asks.


Sepping out of the dressing room to look at yourself in the mirror. "Mwawow!" Examining your frame in the mirror you were shocked to see yourself in the dress.


Gasping you looked over from where the voice came from. "Eddie?" You ask with a smile seeing him stand there with his mouth open.

For a minute he shook his head but maintained himself calm. Clearing his throat his hands slide into his pockets. "Yeah." 

Blushing you looked down at your hand sliding a finger nail under another. It was an awkward silence but it seemed natural not bothering you or him. "So. How long have you been standing there?" 

Eddie laughed nervously looking away to the side. Your Venom told you about Eddie's Venom. You are aware now that they were the ones stalking you. Having the attempts of retrieving back a part they lost. 

"Hiss." Venom says in your mind.

"They must be having a conversation, some form of a lie. But I've noticed them in the store for some time. They have been observing us, everything we do, everything you say." 

Well then. That's cute. Having a stalker. 

"Well." His eyes look back to you.

"You're beautiful." 

A bigger blush formed your cheeks as you smiled. "You think so?" Eddie clears his throat. "Yeah." 

Suddenly his Venom appeared on his shoulder. "Get your ass over here!" 

Then your Venom appeared on your shoulder. "Make me Pussi!" 

Venom transformed Eddie. "I will!" 

You hugged your Venoms head. 

"Hey fuck off parasite! He's mine now!" You hug Venoms head close to your chest. "PARASITE!" Eddie's Venom shouted offended. 

"We will not be insulted in such a way! That is me! That belongs to us! We are to be with Eddie!" 

You walk back taking out a taser. "Don't you get closer!" 

Venom leans in closer growling. 

"Eddie likes her. We, like her." Suddenly your Venom took its own form shoving Venom back. 

"SHES MINE!" He roars out. 

"We! Like her!" Venom says pointing his finger in his palm. 

Your Venom growled wrapping his arms around you resting his chin on your head. "She! Is mine!" 

Venom grabbed a model figure tossing it across the store. "Eddie likes her! You were apart of us! We know our Eddie! Come back to us. We will love her together." 

Your Venom closes his lips covering his white teeth being silent for a bit. "She means to me like Eddie means to you. She means much much more." 

Venom shrinks back as Eddie staggers for a bit. "Okay then." He says nervously. It's finally understood. Eddie's feelings for you rubbed off onto Venom. But when part of Venom left to be with you. That love grew separately from Eddie's. 

Your Venom loves you, clings on to you. "Eddie. We can not return back to you. We will stay with Y/n." Your Venom says as he retrieved back into you. Only his head appearing on your shoulder.

Eddie's Venom appeared on his shoulder. "Eddie, this is much more complicated. Their physical and mental relationship is inseparable." 

Eddie's eyebrow rose as his eyes looked up to the corner. "Excuse me. Physical?" He looks at you as your Venom grew it's physical form behind you. It's arms wrapping around you with his chin on your shoulder. 

Clearing your throat you looked away embarrassed. "So you and." He tries not to get the wrong idea but it seems to be heading that way. Your Venom grew a wide smile. "Yess." 

So apparently that's possible. Eddie hasn't been hitting the fan art lately. "Uhm. I'm sure you would have seen some of the fan art. Your not, a really big secret. Haven't you? Been seen by a weird dude with an eye patch?"

Eddie shook his head. "No. Not really." 

Okay well. Maybe they just decided to contact you. "He spoke about this team called the Avengers. And if I didn't stop what I was doing they were gonna open a big jar of ass whooping. Have no idea what he meant."

Like honestly! What have you done? What has your Venom done? That should be the correct question.

"I wanted to eat him." Your Venom says happy.  

"Did you?" Eddie's Venom asks. 

"No." Yours says disappointed.

"Pussi." Eddie's Venom mocks him.


"Try me Bitch!" 

You smacked your palm on your Venoms head and Eddie turned away to whisper at his. 

"Stop it."

 Your Venom just watched you mouth off to him but he isn't even paying attention. 

Just so muted by how cute you are. So small, such sass. His cute small little human holding up her wits toward him. Protecting him from everyone else, including Eddie's Venom.


That's what got him. How you protected him. How you trust him fully and defend him even if it is the truth.

His arms wrapped around your waist as he nuzzled your neck. 

"Venom!" You say annoyed that he's not taking you seriously. "Mine." He says so lovingly.

Sighing you just smile patting his head as he lets out a purr. "Yeah I am." 

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