Thats it. We're doomed

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"They...fucking left us?!" I repeated. I pulled my hair, now in a messy ponytail and sighed. 

"ASSHOLES," Dariush yelled out, that posh brat wouldn't stop talking...I looked in my bag and took out my phone again. It didn't turn on.

"Piece of shit boost mobile!" I ignored that pricks comments and started to head down the mountain.

"Yo fuckers, y'all got me into this mess for caring about yall's wellbeing but I ain't gonna stay to find out what other terror of being with y'all would cause me-" I was RuDlEy cut off by a damned spacecraft soaring above our heads. It seemed as if it were fighting eyes wandered towards the mountain across the lake.

"...aliens?" I muttered.

"Oh my god its independence day."

"Its june Gabriel!" dariush yelled at the boy, "oH WAIT MAYBE NORTH KOREAS INVADED. QUICK ZHENZHEN CALL IT OFF!!"

"I-" I glared at the idiot and sighed. Thats it. We're dead. We're doomed.

"We just need to wait here until the adultsrealize they left us and come back." Alex spoke up, praying he was right.

"Oh, man! What if they never come back?" Dariush whimpered,"I'm gonna die here with you losers?!"

"The real tragedy would be dying with you around" I rubbed by face in annoyance.

"I never even had sex before!" He yelled. We truened to him.

"I'ma clear that up. I had sex...I had sex before, I mean...I haven't had sex with two girls at once.That's what I mean.-I told you I had sex 'cause..." He attempted to clear that up.

"Your like twelve." I scoffed," So shut up." I gave him a death glare.

"We gotta get going,bears out here can be crazy." Gabriel spoke up, I gave him a look.

"And you know this how?" I asked.

"Whoa! Whoa! Okay, slow your roll.Did you just say bears?!"Rich prat practically screamed, "I don't do so well with bears, man. I'm not trying to get DiCaprio'dup in here!"

"No one does well with bears!" Gabriel and I told him.

"Well ask Werner Herzog!" Darius stated proudly. "Grizzly Man lived with those thingsfor years, so check that out!"

"-Did you watch the end of that movie?"

""Did I watch...'Yeah, I watched-" He looked the ground," No, I didn't..."

"Oh shut up!" I was fed up. i got up and right before I bitch slapped the rich kid, ALex spoke.

" Okay, stop. Gabriel's right.Black bears are opportunistic carnivores.We're not gonna survive the wilderness." He explained.

"Fine lets go check camp. Bet they ditched us there too." I rolled my eyes, and down the mountain we went.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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