Bill Weasley x Reader: Saved part 3

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You apparated to the front door and upon landing you realized that Bill got splinched.

"Bill Weasley you stupid-"

"Y/n?!" You spun around to see Narcissa Malfoy standing in front of the door with your father and Lucius Malfoy.

You stood up from Bill's side and bowed your head to them. Draco came pushing through them, his grey eyes widening when they saw you. "Y/n!" He hugged you tightly, a holding back tears.

"Hey Draco! I missed you too!"

When he pulled back you looked up to see both of your fathers staring disapprovingly at the two of you. Draco stepped back into the house and followed his father some where.

Your father stood with Narcissa in the doorway, "I see you brought a Weasley hostage." He said almost daring you to argue.

You said nothing, "Well then...Jackie!" He called and a small female house elf appeared beside him. "Take this boy to the dungeon and lock him up."

You bit your lip, wanting to interfere, but not doing so in fear of your father and the slight tingling sensation on your forearm.

"Well then, off to your room." Your father said.

"Could I visit him?" You asked.

Your father gave you a confused look. "Why would you want to visit him?"

"Just to check on him or something."

"No, you may go to your room." He said forcefully.

"Yes sir." You sighed, but instead of heading to your room you headed to the secret passage way down to the dungeon that was hidden behind a bookshelf in the study.

You pushed it to the right to reveal a small opening, then pulled it back behind you and continued down the narrow corridor to the dungeon.

You snuck down quietly to the dungeons where Bill was being kept, luckily no one was down there so you walked as sneakily as you could to the cell at the far end. You stared through the bars to where Bill was curled up on the metal bed which could not have been comfortable. 

"Bill." You whispered, he didn't hear you. You glanced around, "Bill." 

This time he turned around wearily and he smiled when he saw you. You were surprised, he should be mad or weeping at you. 

He walked slowly to the bars that you were clasping with your hands and he placed his hands over yours. "You came..." He said with a smile and you couldn't take it, you shouted at him. 

"Why aren't you mad at me?" You said quietly at first then you screamed it. "Why aren't you mad at me?!" 

Bill jumped back in surprise and your throat ached. "I've been the worst person possible to you. I left, I ignored you, I must have torn up your heart infinity and one times. Why aren't you mad at me?" You said, lowering your voice with each word until it was barely a whisper. 

Bill came forward and stuck a hand through the bars to touch your face. "I love you, I could never be mad at you." 

"How could you love me? After all this time?" (If anyone comments always I will actually virtually yell at you) 

You thought he would step back and realize you were right, but instead he just traced his thumb along your cheek as tears began to spill out. "I don't know. If I liked you I would know. All I know is I love you and I have loved you and I will love you. I know that you are meant to be mine." 

You couldn't help but smile a little, then you remembered you only had so much time. "Come on, we've got to get you out of here." 

You began working with the lock, handing Bill the wand you had stolen from Jackie. Bill smiled and started working from the inside, after a few minutes, the lock popped off and the cell door swung open. As you pulled Bill out, grabbing his hand to apparate away, your father came in with Jackie, Draco and Lucius. 

Harry Potter Characters X Reader {Completed}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum