*Right Arm*

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*Right Arm*

"Where are the others, exactly?" Azela asked as we traipsed slowly across the courtyard, scanning the horizon for any more SUVs.

"Inside WICKED, hopefully holding off the trained soldiers." His voice was hushed, but sincere, and the three of us immersed into our own conversation.

D'you think he's telling the truth?

I glanced at Kyle fleetingly. I think so. I mean, we'll find out soon enough.

Axel hummed in agreement, and we focused on passing through the open plain without hindrance.

Before long, we made it to the opposite building and slipped into the shadows by the door.

Kyle gestured for us to wait, while he peered round the corner and scanned his surroundings.

"Right, hold on," he whispered, dragging out a walkie-talkie from his backpack.

"Soldier, you there?" He hissed into the radio. There was a bout of crackling, before a vague voice replied.

"Aye, sergeant. We've successfully infiltrated a quarter of the East Block. Rounding up the men outside the East Wing."

"Copy that. We'll be there soon," he responded, before slipping the communicative device into his pocket.

"Right, lets go. We'll meet the others outside East Wing and find this Griever Hole."

"Sounds like a decent plan to me," I murmured, more to myself than anyone, but Kyle grinned.

"Who said it wasn't?"

He turned away and my gaze flitted to Axel, his face gloomy. Hey, cheer up. We can see our friends soon, I directed straight at him; I felt bad for Azela, not knowing anything. I mentally noted not to leave her out during our reunions. I just hoped it'd be a happy one.

His eyes brightened slightly at the thought, and he offered me a smile. I suppose.

I was feeling pretty excited to see Newt again. I wondered what he went through after Glenn stabbed me. Then I wondered what happened to Glenn himself. Either the gladers banished him, of WICKED took him back. But what happened to me after I... died? Did WICKED come for me? Did Newt put me in the box? Did Glenn take me away? There were so many unanswered questions racing through my thoughts, and I wondered if Axel was having a similar dilemma.

We circled round the building, having to weave through overgrown hedges and sprouts of plants that popped though the gravel, and I got snagged back multiple times. We plodded on in silence, not even bothering to communicate telepathically.

Finally, a line of armed men came into sight, but Kyle didn't pause. They were obviously part of Right Arm.

One of the men, clutching a firearm, noticed us approaching and ran forward.

"Sir!" He saluted, eyeing us three skeptically.

"Soldier. Are all the cameras down?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, sir!"

"What's in the East wing?"

Soldier paused a second, casting his mind back. "Labs, sir. Lots of labs."

The walkie-talkie hanging from his vest cackled, and he answered instantly.

"Please repeat."

"North wing infiltrated. We've found the main lab. We have sights on the maze."

Kyle glanced at us. "You catch that?"

We all nodded eagerly. Azela looked slightly baffled; she had no idea what was going on, not about the maze or the labs or anything.

"Lets head to the north wing. There's most likely a clue as to where this exit is."

A sudden thought held me back. "Wait. How come you've had such easy access to all of these areas? Aren't WICKED resisting?"

Kyle shrugged placidly. "We've captured most of them."

"And what about the rest?" Axel demanded defensively.

Kyle shifted uncomfortably. "They deserved what they got."

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