*Just Listen*

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*Just Listen*

"Just listen up, shanks," Newt suddenly spoke up, bringing the hall to an abrupt silence.

Kyle nodded gratefully to him and continue with his speech, and I felt a sudden longing to be in Newt's arms again.

For shuck's sake, Rowan. Stop thinking like that!

I clenched my jaw, instinctively.

Axel's hand was still on my shoulder, and I could feel him trembling. But what could I say?

"Well, firstly, my name's Kyle, and this here is Soldier," he introduced, Soldier stepping forward for a brief second. "We're with an organisation called Right Arm, and we fight against something called WICKED."

Another ripple of murmurs pulsated through the crowd, only these were murmurs of recognition.

"Yes, WICKED, the people who sent you here in the first place. You're all part of a vast experiment, and we're here to rescue you."

Exclamations of excitement rose from the gladers. But what was Kyle going to say about Axel and I? Would he tell them about our powers?

"I can explain everything else once we get out of this place, but first I'd like to introduce you to some other people. Now..." he suddenly sighed, looking across at me.

I nodded and stood up; I had to do this. It was the only way to make me feel better; get the truth out.

Axel offered me a reassuring smile and patted my shoulder as I made my way to the front.

"Don't tell them about your powers," Kyle murmured to me as I passed him.

I gulped, somewhat relieved. At least I wouldn't have to face the burden of being called a freak again.

"Uh, hi, my name is Rowan," I began in a trembling voice, suddenly conscious of Newt staring directly at me. "This is going to be quite hard to believe since, well, none of you remember me, but I was once a glader here, in this Glade."

A murmur of confusion. And skepticism. Newt narrowed his eyes.

"I was sent here by WICKED as the first girl; I woke up in the maze, and met your runner, Minho, whilst he was... running," I stated, awkwardly glancing at Minho. His mouth was slightly open, eyebrows creased. I gulped. "You, uh, you threw me in the slammer because you didn't know what to do with me, but then... then I became one of you guys. I had the role of med-jack and worked alongside Jeff, and I... I made friends. Newt," I suddenly said, making direct eye contact. "You were... you were my best friend," I continued in a strangle voice. "You were always there for me."

A flicker of surprise flashed through his eyes, and he faltered, looking at the floor.

I turned to face the others with a sigh. "Minho," I continued with a smile. "You were my friend; always there for me too, with your sassy comments, of course."

He smirked and shook his head skeptically, but I knew he believed me; it was in his eyes.

"And Chuck," I said finally, my eyes weaving through the crowd for the ruddy-cheeked kid. I noticed him beside Thomas, staring at me wide-eyed, but with a grin on his face. "Chuck, you were such a sweet guy; you really helped me adapt to this new... setting. And the three of you, as well as the rest, helped me find my place. Helped me accept that this way the new way of life."

I paused, trying to hold back my tears.

"So, what happened?" Someone called from the crowd, looking genuinely immersed in my story.

"I was stabbed," I stated simply, receiving a ripple of gasps through the gladers. "By a glader named Glenn. You probably don't remember him either, but he worked for WICKED. He was sent to get rid of me. And so... he killed me."

My eyes darted over the room, seeing everyone staring at me either sympathetically, or incredulously. Nobody said a word.

"Then I woke up, in WICKED's headquarters, along with my friend Axel," I said, gesturing to him. "And Azela, who's currently recovering from a griever sting. Only I remember everything; everything that happened before I was sent to this place. And these... these memories... they are not ones you want back. They... they hold misery and despair, they hold disease and death. A great sickness rules the planet; everyone out there is either dead, or a blood-thirsty monster, driven to insanity by the Flare."

I settled into silence, feeling suddenly woozy and light-headed.

Kyle suddenly stepped forward, and I stumbled back to my seat, somewhat exhausted.

"You alright?" Axel asked, looking at me incredulously. "You're really pale, I think you should go back to the homestead."

I shook my head, pushing away the dizziness.

"I'm fine," I lied, clenching my fists.

Axel frowned but left the matter alone.

"But what about the boy?" A girl shouted from the crowd.

Kyle glanced at Axel, who merely shrugged and glared at the floor.

"He's from another Maze."

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