*You never escape the past*

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This is so klunky. Don't kill me ._.

*You never escape the past*

Is it really that easy to forget someone you loved? Is it really that easy to change your mind in a matter of seconds?

The answer was no. Of course it wasn't.

Despite being locked in a warm embrace with Thomas, and despite the sharp pain in my chest, there was no way Newt would slip from my mind that easily. No way at all.

Even as I tangled my fingers through Thomas' thick hair, and felt his lips move against mine, everything reminded me of Newt. Of our first kiss. I couldn't simply deny any affection for him at all, as it was still there, lingering and feeble, but there nevertheless.

I pulled away for breath, realising the whole room had fallen silent. I felt eyes stab into my neck, and knew at once they belonged to Newt. But surely he wouldn't care. He didn't even remember me!

Thomas looked half stricken, half elated, and my cheeks suddenly reddened as the realisation of what just happened dawned on me.

"Alright, enough of this love fest. We need to get out of here," Minho asserted, cracking his knuckles against his palms.

I dragged my gaze away from Thomas' and nodded, gulping anxiously.

Oh shuck. I've just made things a hell of a lot more confusing. For him and myself.

A sense of nostalgia cut sharply through my thoughts as memories resurfaced. Memories of watching crappy romance films with my parents, like a normal kid. I suddenly felt like I was stuck right in the middle of one, only with the added dystopian setting.

One girl. Two guys. Which one to choose?

What a load of klunk!

"You coming?" Thomas asked sheepishly, and I quickly jerked my head up, snapping away from my memories. The room was practically empty. It was only Thomas and I.

I nodded, but faltered. "I'm sorry," I admitted quietly. "I'm not sure if that was a good idea."

He shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes were awash with emotion. "Doesn't matter. Let's just get out of here first."

With a lingering smile, I followed him out of the doorway and joined the stream of gladers. The corridor was deserted of any cranks or scientists as we headed back toward the courtyard.

"Where are all of the cranks?" I whispered to Thomas, holding my hand to my side in an attempt to hide the trembling. 

He shrugged as gruesome images flashed before my eyes. Torn flesh. Bloodied skin. Mangled corpses. 

My throat burned with nausea, and my stomach was beginning to churn with apprehension. A perturbed silence consumed everyone, and mingling sense of anxiousness and paranoia hung thick. 

What's going on up there? 

There was a long pause before Azela replied. Nothing much. Apparently the courtyard is safe. She paused again, and I could almost hear her laboured breathing echoing through my eardrum. Is Axel back there with you?

My breath hitched in my throat. He's not with you?

Azela's panicked voice rang out. Axel? Axel, where are you?

She was greeted only by silence. 

Thomas obviously caught onto my panic, for he regarded me anxiously. "Everything alright?"

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