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i wonder what youd look like
whos eyes you would have
would they be brown like mine
or blue like your fathers
maybe theyd be a mix or maybe theyd just be totally different
id always wanted a blue eyed child
but yours could be any color and still
the moment i looked into them you would have me
my heart, my soul, my life would belong to you
im curious about your skin
would it be fair like your dads
or brown like mine
maybe a perfect mix, a beautiful golden tan
with dark brown hair to frame your little face
i cant help but think of you
and who youd take after more
i can just imagine you with your fathers stubbornness
and my propensity to overreact
i can imagine you sassing us both
because thats all we do to each other
youd be sweet, but intelligent and confident
youd give us hell
but fill everyday with love
it tears me up inside
knowing that i will never find out
the kind of person you wouldve grown up to be


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