Signed, DWO

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It was bound to happen sooner or later, though none of the Marauders had ever believed it possible.

"Shhh. Careful, that stair is creaky right there."

"Whoa... Oh - right, yeah I remember."

"Here it is."

"Alohamora.... Careful now with the handle."

The door of the Marauder's dormitory slowly creaked opened and three forms slipped inside. Wally looked around the room, which was lit only by the moonlight that came through the window. The first bed was empty, which gave them pause a moment... But then they spotted on the furthest bed was Remus Lupin, curled up tight, hugging his knees, with Sirius Black curled around him, their arms and legs a big tangle. On the third bed was a great lump beneath the covers, blankets pulled up over his head - it had to be Peter, nobody else could cause such a mound beneath the duvet... The closest bed was James Potter - his glasses off, laying on the night stand, his duvet twisted about his body so that his bare leg stuck out on one side, his foot just off the mattress as he lay on his stomach. 

Wally looked around, then motioned for Ollie and Dexter to follow him in, the coast clear as all four kept sleeping on. The other two snuck in, and they all three drew their wands and set to work...

It was Peter who discovered their situation first. He woke up with a yawn, stretching as he kicked the blankets off himself, smacking his lips as he woke up, rolling over onto his back, the sheets tangling about him as he did. And he opened his eyes, blinking against the sunlight coming in the window... and found himself staring at the carpet below.

Squeaking with surprise, he stuck out his arms to his sides and clutched onto the mattress, eyes wide. He didn't feel upside down, but he certainly was because the carpet was down there and the desks were over there and the nightstand and everything else was where it belonged, except the four beds, and despite the fact that he felt like gravity was holding him down to the bed, he was clearly suspended over the rest of the room.

"F- F- Fellas!?" he squeaked, "Prongs? Padfoot? Moony? Um... fellas?"

"Shut the fuck up Peter, the sun's barely up..." Sirius answered.

James's voice was muffled as he was face-down (up?) in his pillow - "And it's Saturday, we're meant to have a lie in."

"But guys we're - we're upside down."

Remus murmured, "Hm?"

"Look!" Peter pleaded.

James's hand shot out from under the duvet and he grappled in the air where his nightstand and glasses should've been, but all he felt was empty air and he turned over, everything a terrible blur, but not so much that he couldn't tell from the unfocused shapes that Peter was telling the truth. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed. "What the --"

Sirius and Remus, too, had figured it out and Sirius was sitting up in the bed, staring at the carpet with wonder. "How in the late descent of Merlin's left nutsack...?"

"Why the left one?" Remus asked, smirking at Sirius's creative curse.

Sirius looked about at him, "What?"

"I was just curious why it was his left nutsack?"

Sirius shrugged, "Dunno. It's just what came out."

James felt about in the sheets, "Anyone got their wands up here that could get my glasses please?"

Remus drew his out from under the pillow. "Wingardium Leviosa," he said, and the glasses floated up to James.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now