(18) Meeting The Guys

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Your POV

"Hey mom, dad." You strolled in your home with a suitcase behind you. Your parents sat in the living room watching Tv while you carried the suitcase up the stairs. "I have somewhere to go after I get change. Did the package arrive yet?"

Your eyes roamed around the room and got no response from them. "Did I do something wrong?" The silence was unusual when it came from your mother. "Oh no... I'm in big trouble aren't I?" Your father stood first, your mother behind him.

"Honey..." yeah. You're in trouble. "We're gonna need you to move out as soon as possible." Way to add more stress into your life.

You let go of the suitcase and crossed your arms, looking at the two of them in front of you. They've always joked about it but you never took it seriously. "Why?why?" You waited to hear their responses.

"We're moving back to home."

"Home as in hometown home?" You tried to clarify what they were saying and they grinned. "You're gonna leave me here?"

Your mother shrugged as if it was something of little importance. "You'll be fiiine. Your father and I are getting old and we want to spend time with your grandmother."

This is troublesome. You make more than enough cash to live on your own but that means goodbye to the luxury of having your dear mother cook you breakfast first thing in the morning. "I- I have to get ready. We can talk about this tomorrow, I'll try to- I'll come up with something." You paid no mind to them and walked up to your bedroom.

Moving takes time. More than a month time. How are you going to deal with all of this? All because your parents are always making last minute decisions.

It'll be fine.

You removed your tshirt and looked through the closet. Apart from your comfortable clothes, you changed into a better looking outfit than the worn down one before fixing your hair. Meeting five famous celebrities for the first time requires great thinking.

The package was carefully placed on top of your bed and you sighed in relief at the sight of it. "Yess..." you opened it and pulled out what you had bought Chanyeol. It really wasn't anything great. You don't gift a 3year old something important but it was something you were sure he'd like.

A small bracelet, of his favorite superhero with his name. It was on sale so you decided to get it. Of course, beside that you took something someone his age would enjoy even more. A doll from his favorite superhero.

You put it in a small bag and smiled gently. Your hair was moved to cover your face as you made your way out the door. It was Chanyeol's birthday. Having him be happy for this entire day is your main focus.


"Hey- Sorry I took so long-" you stopped in the front door, shocked to see the house filled with so many people.

Six guys walked around the house, left and right, right and left. They all seemed to have stopped you when you opened the door in front of you. They looked at you in shock. "Namjoon-"

"Oh! Y/N. You're back. Come around here." He called out to you, holding up balloons for someone else to put up. "Guys, this is Y/N. She's Chanyeol's babysitter."

Their eyes widened and their eyes moved from you to Chanyeol multiple times. "The famous babysitter. Hello~" they bowed slightly.

You closed the door behind you and put down your gift by the entrance. "Hello. I'm Y/F/N, nice to meet you all." You slightly recognized them all but their names didn't connect as easily as Namjoon's did the first time you met them.

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