(34) Truth

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Your POV

"I can't believe this... this is absolutely crazy.." you muttered under your breath, looking at your own reflection in the mirror. "Can't believe she just scratched my face." You looked at the bloody scratches on your cheek, the redness of your neck and the other few scratches on your exposed skin, you watched your hair which was a mess and your shirt was a little ripped at the sleeve. At least you didn't flash anybody... you think.

There was a knock at the door of the bathroom and you slightly jumped in surprised. "Missus, it is time for you to go and give your point of view."

"Oh- right away," You removed the accessories of your hair and let your hair down in a messy yet organized style. Rinsing water over the stinging of the scratches, you considered it done and rushed to the door.

On the other side of the door was a kind officer, looking at you with a warm smile. "We just need you to tell us what happened and if uh... If you don't mind, go and talk at the same time as the young Miss- uh, Park."

Oh, how would you like to see the look on her face... "Does she happen to be ok?" You watched as he walked forward, slow enough for you to follow behind.

"She doesn't seem to mind. I do want you- she does seem a little angry." He nervously chuckled. "We have dialed the number of your emergency contact. He said he'd be on his way."

Who was your emergency contact? You were sure you had changed it since your parents moved away... So who is it?

Coming to the realization, you almost stopped in place.

Kim Namjoon. Of course you had changed him into your emergency contact. Shit shit shit.

He will know you lied. You said you were going to get food. How did you end up getting in a fistfight with his baby's mother? He will be angry. You lied. You lied.

At this point, all the color had left your face and you were scared. So scared that you did not have time to laugh at Park Sunhee's swollen eye and her very swollen everything. You stared at the empty space as the police officers sat across from the two of you.

You barely focused on the questions, only responding when being asked the questions directly and being surprised that Park Sunhee would be honest about the situation. The two of you were fined, obviously. You sat there in silence, listening to the warnings the police officer gave you. Even as he explained the reason as to why people fought and why they would resolve issues with violence, you focused on the floor.

"Miss Park, you can head out now." A police officer peeked into the room, looking at the two of you, a wide smile on her face.

Wait. "She doesn't get someone picking her up?"

The police officer across from you gave you a hearty laugh. "She does. I know the two of you aren't some high school teens, but we just called to warn them, they just offered to come and pick the both of you up."

At least she got picked up first, there's no way Namjoon saw-

"Ms. Y/L/N, you're free to go now." That was less than five minutes apart. Shit shit shit.

You quickly sat up, grabbing your things. "Uh- thank you, officer, I'm so sorry for the trouble." You rushed out of the place to see Namjoon sitting there, mask and baseball cap on. If you weren't looking for him, you wouldn't find him. Probably as he intended.

You just prayed he didn't see her.

"Joon." You called out, seeing him look up almost instantly.

With the look on his face, you couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was just staring at me. "Come on." He's pissed.

He slightly pulled you closer, rapidly and in a speedy motion, fast enough that you came bumping into him. You tried to look up at him, walking beside him over to a car with tinted windows. "Namjoon, I don't want to-"

You didn't want to get in the car with him, you don't, you don't. You took a deep breath and avoided eye contact with him, fixing the shirt to try and cover the scratches on your stomach. "Y/N." He spoke kind of angrily. "Please, get in the car..." he gestured to the car and you softly started shaking.

You bit on your lip, doing as he said simply because you did not want to risk Namjoon getting in more trouble because of you. You muttered a 'fine' under your breath.

You hopped in the car and made your way into the side. You looked down at the window, trying your best not to show your shaky movements to Namjoon beside you.

He closed the door shut, turning to the driver at the front. "Drive to the original place now, please." His voice sounded cold and you glanced at the reflection of him removing his mask and hat.

"I'm going to go get some food." You were confused but still didn't turn to look at him, scared of seeing the expression on his face. "That's what you said, right?"

You put your hands under your legs, trying to squeeze them calm. "Joon- I didn't know what to tell you. I swear-"

"I saw her, Y/N. What really confuses me is the fact that you had to see her before I did. Why didn't you tell me?"

You looked down at the floor, having a feeling of guilt and a painful feeling on your face. So much so that your eyes began to sting. You took a deep breath and realized how stupid you must look right now. You lied to him, you can't go and act like the victim now when it would've probably been easier, to be honest to him.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you. The moment she texted me, I should've told you..." You removed your hands from under your legs and looked up at him, seeing his face was red and he was shaking just as badly.

He shook his head and covered his face. "I'm sure she went and lied to you. Hell, knowing how sweet you are, I just know she started this." This, as in the scratches on your face and body. He took a deep breath and removed his hands from his face. "She called me. I recognized the number. I answered the first time but when I heard her voice, I froze up and Hung up." His long fingers moved, tracing the scratches on your face. "I didn't know she would call you."

You moved your face away from his hands and held them carefully, for some reason scared that he would move them away. "I am sorry, Namjoon." You looked down at the floor, dejected. "I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to upset you or have you get angry because quite frankly- I don't think I've seen you angry or upset." You played with your fingers gently, thinking of the following words you should say. "I'm sorry."

He sighed and let out a dry chuckle. "This sucks..."

You looked up, scared to see that he would glare at you or maybe even cuss at you once and for all. You braced yourself for impact, closing your eyes, and looking down. "I-"

"I thought that all by myself, I would've managed to get past her. I thought I would've. All it took was a situation where the two of you were involved for me to realize... I moved on." Were you supposed to be sorry? You frowned, a little confused. You were sure that it was a good thing... but why did he look like he was about to cry?

His eyes met yours and he seemed to finally cry. "Woahwoah~" you leaned forward to wipe away his tears and unintentionally crawled on his lap. You placed a bunch of kisses on his little cheeks and wiped his tears at the same time. "I'm so sorry." You wrapped yourself around him, giving him thousands of kisses. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." As you continued to say an 'I'm sorry' per kiss, his cries turned into small giggles and laughter and soon, he started hugging you softly.


You hummed, kissing the top of his head.

"I really really like you, Y/N." Based on your last talk about the L word, you took those words in. A happy feeling spread across your chest.

"Well, Joon, I really really like you too." You finally moved to give him a kiss on the lips, only to see the car come to a stop in a place you simply could not recognize. "Wait- where are we?" You realized you were now comfortably sitting on his lap but not really caring.

"My studio."

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