[26] Four AM

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Your POV

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!!" Chanyeol came running in your room and jumping on your lap, quickly waking you up slightly scared as you looked around anxiously. You sat up quickly and had Chanyeol do a small "oh" as it seemed that he was about to fall off the bed. Your half asleep body reacted really quickly and you reached to hold him close, preventing him from falling. It only seemed to make the smaller think it was a joke. "Yay..! Again, again!" He clapped excitedly. You took a deep breath, blinking and trying to adjust your eyes to the bright lights coming from the living room.

What time was it? "Didn't I put you to bed, what are you doing up Bub?" You glanced at the digital clock right in front of your bed and looked at the time. Four in the morning. "Where's dad?" You stepped carefully out of bed, untangling your hair with your hands and fixing your short pajamas, you stood and made your way to your bedroom door.

Namjoon was asleep on the couch, his long legs hanging off the corner and his hands hugging the couch cushion as the tv played what seemed to be a bunch of celebrity news. What a way of going to sleep, huh.

You've been here for about a week and it was almost impossible to catch Namjoon falling asleep like a normal person. He didn't even seem to have a normal sleep schedule being the idol that he is. "Chanyeol, you can sleep with me tonight if you help me wake daddy up and get him to bed.

Chanyeol jumped up in excitement and nodded. "Yes!  Papa!" You tensed up, noticing you just told a child to wake Namjoon up and didn't expect him to have him yell.

"Ah- Chanyeol, we wake Daddy up quietly. Ok?" He looked at you and nodded before turning back to look at Namjoon. "Oppa," you softly whispered while stepping forward. It felt a little weird because you weren't used to walking around your house in such revealing pajamas but you got woken up and it's not like half asleep Namjoon would notice or care.

Chanyeol stood by his father's waist, softly shaking it while you were face to face with his face. "Oppa." You spoke again, your hand lifting itself up to caress his hair peacefully. "Let's get you to be, ok?" His face finally started scrunching up and he started to move around.

Chanyeol seemed very excited as he succeeded in his mission. "Y/N! Papa's waking up! He's up!" Namjoon finally blinked his eyes open and you grinned.

"Hey there handsome," you whispered but of course Chanyeol noticed.

He walked to stand right under your chin, his hands on your knees that were maintaining your balance. "Hey hanswome!" He smiled, copying you and Namjoon softly laughed.

He sat up and looked down as you were crouching. "Hey babies~" he smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Why are you up? Isn't it still too early?"

"You can ask Mr. can't-seem-to-stay-asleep right here."

Chanyeol laughed to himself and pointed a finger at himself. "That's me!" You shook your head and scooped Chanyeol up. "Ah! Papa! Go to sweep! I sweep with Y/N!" He seemed very excited as if he hadn't been sneaking into your bed every chance he got.

Namjoon stood up next to the two of you and ruffled Chanyeol's hair. "Don't bother Y/N and come sleep with Daddy," he spoke calmly, his voice deeper as he just woke up. You felt a slight blush on your face but shook it off just as fast.

You reached for Namjoon's hand that lingered on top of Chanyeol's head and held it gently. "I don't mind. I don't think he's going to sleep for a while and you need it more than me." You slowly let go and his hand stayed still holding two of your fingers. "Now, turn off the tv and go to sleep. Me and Chanyeol will go to sleep right after you, right Chanyeol?"

The child nodded and but as soon as Namjoon turned around, Chanyeol was reaching out to his father. "Papa! Where are you going?!"

"What do you mean where I'm going? I'm going to sleep," he spoke softly, his voice sounded tired as he spoke but his smile did not falter.

A pout formed on Chanyeol's lips and he reached out for Namjoon to hold him. "But- but papa- papa not going to sleep with us?" You tried to keep your expression neutral, thinking that Namjoon would find a way to turn down the idea.

Namjoon turned around to face the two of you once again. "Yeah, sure... if Y/N doesn't mind, I'll go-"


You were sure he was going to get flustered and just walk away. Due to Chanyeol always being in the house you never had the chance to sleep in the same bed as him and you really didn't mind because there were still many outspoken things between the two of you. The two of you hadn't even had any relationship talk!

Sure, you were living with him but it was simply for a job convenience, you haven't actually been in the house as his girlfriend. So you didn't really expect him to agree to the two of you sleeping together. "You- I- You won't be able to sleep with Chanyeol right next to you." You looked down at your feet, holding Chanyeol carefully and trying to hide your blush in the crook of the child's neck; holding him tight in a hug so he won't fall over on the floor.

"It's fine with me, if I'm there he'll fall asleep faster as well... unless... you don't want me sleeping besides you-"

"It's totally fine with me! Of course I wouldn't find anything wrong with it- there's nothing wrong-" Namjoon laughed, causing you to realize how panicked you became so suddenly.

He leaned over and placed a small peck on your forehead. "I'll go shower and join the two of you, alright?" He asked as he placed a small kiss on the back of Chanyeol's head. He pulled away and gave Namjoon a pair of tiny thumbs up with a wide grin.

Namjoon gave you one last glance before turning to walk to his bathroom once again.


He's actually sleeping in your bed...!!!!

The place was messy with Chanyeol's toys and your art stuff thrown around in the corner because you had been too lazy to set it up. It hasn't been long enough for you to have time to settle down.

You didn't have any time to panic enough before Chanyeol was pulling you off the bed. "Y/N! Y/N!" He looked up and pulled you down as harshly as he could- which by the record, wasn't so hard. "I wanna draw! I want to play! Get awf the bwed and play with me..!" He insisted and you just let yourself fall down to where he sat on the floor to look at the many toys he had pulled to the side of the bed.

"Alright, alright... I see Iron Man Oppa has joined us- oh! Is this Mr. Pooh?" You went along with names you came up for the famous characters and lifted the toys and plushies.

Chanyeol nodded, standing to reach for a doll behind him. "You be the princess and I'll save you. Iron man and Mr. Pooh will save me, alright?"

You nodded, going along with his game, knowing it was lights off as soon as Namjoon would walk through the door.

"Oh- I have been captured by the big scary dragon. I cannot escape unless you, the great, powerful Chanyeol saves me!" You exclaimed happily and climbed on the bed, trying to signify a tower. "Oh, Chanyeol- how will you help me?!"

There was a knock at your door and you and Chanyeol but stopped. Oh boy... you actually have to sleep with him...

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