chapter 1: going on a adventure

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It was the beginning of fall as the trees started to change color. Their leaves making colorful balls of life everywhere I looked that put a smile on my face. Unfortunately I wasnt here for sight seeing.

Earlier my older sister took me out by the lake because scenery would help "open my mind." Although I didnt know what she meant at the age of 14. But it was an excuse to start her reading lecture to me to help improve my speech.

I didnt pay no mind as I was sitting on a branch of an oak tree while my sister sat at the base of it as she read one of her boring books to me. I was just thankful I wore something nice to keep me warm. My favorite cerulean blue knee length dress, with a white pinafore apron on top. Underneath my dress I had my white petticoat white stockings and knee length pantalettes along with my cute black mary Jane shoes. The perfect outfit for autumn.

I let out a boring sigh as I stared at the lake as little gusts of wind came from here and there as leaves broke from their trees and landed on the water. I swung my left leg off the oak branch gently just to keep myself from falling asleep.

"Are you paying attention mary?" My sister called up to me.

"Yes I am." I tried to fight a yawn. "Just books with no pictures is so boring."

"You know not everything is about pictures." My sister sighed as she kept reading. "You cant have your own world mary."

I frowned. I love to go to my own world, books with pictures, freedom and more. While my sister went on with her lecture I decide to go for a walk without asking my sister. I quietly slip off the branch away from my sibling as she kept going on with her reading. I walked away before I let out a sigh of relief. I needed fresh air as I let the clean crisp autumn fill my lungs as I walked on the dirt path.

"Such a beautiful day." I smiled to myself as I stared at the colorful trees. The wind made them whistle with the leaves as the skirt portion of my dress raised ever so slightly as I took in the weather. If only I was good at sketching the land I would be drawing pictures and make my own books.

I took a turn into the woods so I could picture some good pictures of the trees and the river of leaves on the ground. I even giggle to myself when I remember the days that I was young I would jump into huge leaf piles for fun.

I took my usual route as the forest would loop around and take me back to the river where I first started. Maybe I'll sneak back on the tree before my sister even notice that I left.

As I follow the dirt road and circled back around, one particular tree caught my attention. It was a oak tree with no leaves on it but its shape what drew my eyes the most as it seemed unusual than regular trees. Even more unusual was the hole that lead into the tree. I approach it, getting on my hands and knees and peek in.

"What a strange tree. I wonder what could be inside." I hummed as I crawled in, only getting half way when my skirt caused problems. With a hugf and tug I finally got through and began to crawl once more. The tunnel seemed to get bigger and wider where I could almost crouch the further I went. I looked back to see how far I was from the entrance as I suddenly felt nothing but air as I suddenly started to fall!

"Oooohhhhahhhh!" I began to scream by surprise as this was the last thing I expected! I kept tumbling in a free fall as I was blinded by skirt and fluff of my dress, wondering what I got myself into! Then something happen.

As I tumbled right side up, I heard sounds like a pillow being fluffed, a yank around my waist line as my free fall turn into a gentle float. I opened my eyes to see what the cause was. With little light from above, I saw my skirt had open up into a huge dome like parachute.

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