chapter 3: bubble trouble and the whistle tree.

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Now that my dress was warm and dry I continue to explore this wonderland world, not knowing what I could come across. I would expect anything at this point.

"Parachute skirts, giant bubbles, growing and shrinking, strange creatures...what's next." I giggled to myself. Not that it wasnt funny or entertaining except getting my dress soaked. I kept going through the thick woods, looking at the green leaves as the gentle gusts of wind brush across them.

I walked a few more minutes until I came across another clearing. As I got close I saw something on the grass, make it out as pail when I got closer. There was water in it with a huge bar of soap that sat on the rim.

"How strange..." I said as I looked around. Did someone lose this? I didnt see or hear anybody nearby so it made it more odd why a pail with water and a soap bar was here. So I decided to have fun and put the bar into the pail. It started to bubble up within as the pail shook. I kneeled by it to get a better look. Then a decent size bubble was made within the pail.

"Hehe well arent you cute!" I giggled as I saw my reflection on the bubble's surface. I decide to use it as a mirror as I retied my white ribbon in my hair and move any loose strands oout of my face. Finally satisfied with my looks I stood up.

"Now where should i-" I began but stop when the pail shook again. "Hm?" I looked down to see the bucket's odd behavior. Then the bubble suddenly grew big as I heard it inflate like it was a balloon!

"Oh!" I gasp as I took a step back. I was shocked how quick and big the bubble got in such little time as it still expanded and was coming towards me!  I wanted my feet to move but they were glued to the grass. I looked away, putting my hands up in defense as I felt the bubble's surface press against my body!

"Mnph!" I grunted. I felt a little pressure then...


As soon the pressure came it was over. I look and I was shock to see I was in the giant bubble!

"Oh my!" I said in shock but then i was happy as ever. I twirl in glee as my bubble bounce and giggled in motion. I then reach and felt the surface with my hands. "Wow it's a little thick than the previous bubble I was in." I said as I looked at the pail a couple of feet away to see neither water or soap in it.

"Must of use it all up to make you." I giggled. I did a little hop as my bubble bounce a few feet in the air before it landed on the ground. "Hehe and bouncy too! Well I'm going to make you count!" I smiled as I began walking, my bubble rolling in the direction with me. I felt safe in the giant crystal sphere as it pushed soft brush and flowers aside as I kept going through the woods till I got into a clear valley.

It was so beautiful as I laid my hands against the bubble's surface. The sun shined on me as it warmed up my dress as a gentle wind brushed across the grass.

"If only I lived here." I sighed happily as I continued to walk and looked around me as I kept my bubble rolling. Wonderland seemed wonderful I thought as I giggled childishly. In the distance I saw a sign that caught my attention as I got closer to read what it said:

Bubblegum river-east.

"A bubblegum river?!" My eyes sparkled. I love bubblegum but to see a river of it is very special! I had to see it with my own eyes as I followed the signs direction and powerealked with excitment! I walk quite a bit before I saw huge pink bubbles in the sky.

"I must be getting close!" I said happily as i kept going until finally I heard sounds of water before the river came into view.

It was incredible as I smelled that familiar bubblegum smell and the river was pink! I couldnt believe my eyes but it was a real bubblegum river as huge bubbles came out of the water and slowly floated into the sky!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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