chapter 2: wonderland?

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I follow the black and white marble tile winding hall as my steps echo throughout where I was. The hallway seem long as I power walked to see where it would lead me. Soon I reached a door and open it, only to reveal a smaller door!

"Huh?" I was confused as I open that door to reveal an even smaller door! Now it was getting ridicious! I open the 3rd door and finally saw an opening that I had to crawl through to get to the next room.

I was now in a huge square room with pink diamond pattern walls as the floor remain black and white marble. I looked around but didnt see anything as the room was empty until I went to the opposite end and saw a little curtain right at wall's baseboard. I kneeled and open them to see a small door that was small for a cat or a small dog to go through. As I reach and turn the knob...


I jumped! Not expecting the reaction I heard. "Oh! I beg your pardon!" I automatically said. The door was alive! I saw eyes above the handle and the keyhole as its mouth. Persumely the handle was its nose.

"Quite alright. Not the first time." His British accent said. "What could I do for you?"

"Well i want to know what this place is!" I asked.

"Why this is wonderland ms." The door chuckled. "I'm the entrance to it."

"What is wonderland?" I frowned

"My lady! Wonderland is where your imagination can go beyond!" The door exclaimed. I wasnt quite sure but it seemed exciting.

"Well I like to get through but that would be impossible." I sigh in defeat.

"You mean inpassiable!"

"Huh? No no I meant impossible." I correct the door.

"No, inpassiable. Nothing is impossible here." The door chuckled. "Why don't you have a look on the table?"

"Table?" I questioned. When I first came in there was nothing in the room. However when I turned around there was a glass table dead center of the room with a bottle sitting on it. "Oh!"

"Read the directions on it and it should be simple!"

I approached the table and pick up the bottle. It had a pink tag attached to it that had two words: drink me.

I pulled the cork out and took a sniff to make sure it wasnt poisonous or anything I was going to regret drinking later. But seeing how far I gotten I was curious to go further. I took a sip.

"Mmmm...taste like...raseberry..." I took another gulp. "No pineapple..." another gulp..."blueberry?" Everytime I drank I was shrinking down until the fourth gulp where I struggled to hold the bottle and dropped it. "Goodness!" I looked around to see that everything looked bigger than before even the table! "What did I do?!"

The door chuckled. "You almost went out like a candle!" I stood up and approach the door as I saw I was the perfect size!

"But look! I'm just the right size!" I smile with glee as I reach for the knob only for it to flinch back.

"Oops...I forgot to tell you. I'm locked!

"Oh no!" I facepalm myself.

"But you got the key so..." he began.

"What key?" I questioned.

" dont tell me you left it on the table?" The door stared at me. I turn and looked up to see a brass key on the table that wasnt there before. I tried climbing up the table's leg but it was so slick I couldnt get proper footing as I slid back down onto the tile.

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