New Friends

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"Are you sure?" I asked, looking concerned when he sat down on the floor. I bent down to his level, staring at him tapping his finger on his palm like it was the most amusing thing to do at the moment. This was the day I had been waiting for, for the chance to prove to Alec that I was the one, not that bimbo head, Brooke. But I didn't want him to be heartbroken for what she did and move in on him when he most likely needed a friend, not a lover. Inside, I knew that he needed reassuring even though it'd be pushing him closer to her than to me.

"I'm sure this it's all in your head, Alec. Brooke...loves you," I told him, the words of love from Brooke for him burning my throat. But if he was feeling brokenhearted, it was my duty as best friend to give him some peace of mind. Well, until I handed in the truth which I intended to do with much interest. However if she really was cheating on him, as his best friend and her rival for his love, I'd have to kick the shit out of her.

"I know but with her, being paranoid about that stuff comes with the package." He sighed in the palms of his hands and I bit my bottom lip, knowing he was right. Although she would rant around the school saying she had been changed by Alec's love, she's had a history of moving on to the next while in a relationship. They had been dating for five and a half months now and were going to be celebrating their half a year anniversary in two weeks with a nice getaway at his dad's cabin a few hours from here during spring break. The thought of what they would be doing haunting my dreams at night since he first told me about the plan a month ago.

"Yeah, but Brooke seems to have changed a lot. She doesn't harass freshmen as much as she used to since she started dating you. She doesn't flirt with the male teachers anymore and she actually began volunteering at real charitable places." For a long period of time, Brooke considered buying things at the thrift store as being charitable stating that the money went to poor people who'd have to be poor to buy anything so hideous. She was shallow, I had to admit, but for some reason Alec liked her—and not just for her supermodel body either.

"True but still, I'd feel better if you went a little Sherlock Holmes on her for a while. If I straight up ask her, she'll think I was an overprotective boyfriend who doesn't trust her."

Yeah, sending your best friend who's in love with you to spy on your girlfriend because you believe she's a cheating, lying whore isn't being overprotective, it's love, I thought sarcastically. I smiled at him, ruffling his hair which made a tiny grin appear on his face. "I'll do better; I'll be Watson on her ass."


Wednesday morning, we pulled into the school parking lot and since today was Alec's turn to drive, it included picking up Brooke who talked on and on about the manicure she got yesterday with her girlfriends. I jumped out of his car hastily, the thought of having to spend another minute on how she choose blush pink over tickled pink made me want to puke pink.

Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I noticed Ryan pulling up on his motorcycle, and hastened my pace towards the front door. We didn't really mingle that much at school, not wanting our little arrangement to be known. Sometimes when we were in a very vulnerable spot, we'd hookup in the P.E storage room but besides a few sly comments and ridicules, we hardly made contact.

Hurrying inside, I made my way through the entrance, down the hall, and upstairs just to knock into a guy going up the second flight of stairs. My balance wasn't that impeccable and when I had the stomach feeling that I was about to fall, I'd tell myself it'd only hurt for a moment instead of trying to catch myself. But this time was different. A strong set of hands caught my waist in time and pulled me to a sturdy step, steadying my balance before pulling away.

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