A Little Guidance

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He stared at us for an awkward minute, his eyes coursing back and forth from me to Ryan several time. We just froze, still mingled together, our eyes wide at Mr. Mason who had to clear his throat to get us to realize the significance of the situation. Ryan calmly exited my moist spot, pushing back his hair, not afraid to show off to Mr. Mason who only grimaced, looking away. I grabbed my clothes off the floor frantically and began slipping into them, trying to hide myself behind the padded mats in embarrassments.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan barked. Ryan always had to be the badass, so typical of him.

"I should be asking you that question," Mr. Mason deflected smoothly.

Once I put on all my clothes, I stood up, handing Ryan his pants so he could put them on and stop showing it off to him like it was a prized trophy. After I had to slam my hand into his stomach, he finally obliged disgruntled as if I told him to cut it off or something. Once we were all appropriately dressed, he turned around, skimming the both of us with a stern expression. "The rules about this should be obvious even though they aren't written or told to anyone bluntly."

I looked at the floor shamefully. "We're so sorry—"

"She is, I'm not," Ryan inserted grumpily, crossing his arms against his broad chest. Mr. Mason mimicked his gesture, glare down at him since he was a few inches taller than Ryan, much taller than me.

"Don't give me any back talk because you're in front of your girlfriend." I would have told him we weren't a couple but it didn't seem like the time.  When his sea green eyes traveled to me, the kindness that once inhabited them no longer existed but instead he look at me with afresh eyes, as if it were the first time we were meeting. It only made me feel worse about myself. He sighed, placing a hand on his hip. "You both should be heading to class. The end of second period should be ringing soon."

"Whatever, asshole," Ryan insulted, storming past Mr. Mason in a new fit of rage. Just when I had calmed him down too, I guess it was a waste.

"The key." He swerved towards Ryan who dug in his pocket, slamming the key in his hand roughly, and giving him a nonchalant expression. "And no more of this shenanigan." He looked between both of us, his eyes only glancing at me cautiously, asking if he was clear and I nodded, disgracefully. Ryan just scoffed, proceeding to class confidently.

Never mind getting on the new teacher's good side, I was practically walking garbage now. He knew my secret, Ryan and I's sex secret, and it didn't really look very innocent and angelic which was the role I'd basked with for a while now. With a blushing face, I scrambled passed him out the door, only to feel heated shivers spiral down my arm when he grabbed it gently.

"Emma," he muttered, the melodic sound leaving me breathless. "Is Ryan forcing you to do this?"

When I whipped my head around to deny his accusation, there was anguish and concern pleading in his eyes, begging, hoping, and praying that I wasn't getting abused by Ryan. "No," I answered honestly, hoping the painful look would dissolve. But it remained.

He wanted to ask more questions, his mind not wanting to believe I was capable of having sex in a P.E. storage closet with such a bully like Ryan. However, he just sighed, looking away from me and letting my arm go which made the tingles cease. "You should head to class." I nodded, preparing to take "the walk of shame," and the he paused me again. "I'd also like to talk to you during your lunch break, if you don't mind."

I nodded again, my words unable to spill out. I just wanted to make like a bullet and shoot out of this situation. And I did.

In class, I felt so disgusted with myself. For the last three months, it had only been Ryan and I who knew about this arrangement. Although Mr. Mason didn't know the complete details, he knew Ryan and I were intimate. It was enough to make me blush at the thought, tapping my pencil, thinking of an excuse to tell Mr. Mason, knowing he was going to ask questions in his office. But everything that came to mind only made me feel impure in his eyes, something I'd never been before now that I think about it.

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