Chapter 14

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"I know" those words kept ringing in my ears and for some reason makes me mad

"Jadwa" i called my name, its so much easier to even pronounce than jalila,

My freedom and life has been taken away from me and now my name? No it cant be

"Have a lovely meal" i said when I dropped the scrambled eggs with croissants and coffee He asked for,

He was all set to go for work and i was so happy because i will go down and help out in the kitchen,

He finished and left which gave me enough time to finish my chores,

I wasn't doing anything so I went to help Amla in the kitchen which made her so happy,

"The black ones should come before the brown then other colors comes after" Sultan yelled from across the room,

He came back so pissed today for no reason and he was making me arrange his large walk in closet again,

I finished and went to bring his lunch, since he was all alright now i thought serving him his normal kitchen food will be okay but i got it wrong,

The sound of plates shattering on the floor made me turn immediately with wide eyes

"And what the hell is this supposed to be?" He snapped which made me shiver

"Its tuwo and vegetable soup your majesty" I answered trembling

"And?" He asked again very calm p.s calmness before the storm

"When did I open my mouth and mentioned any of that as what I wanted to eat?"

"Listen to me Jalila or whatever your name is, the next time you bring me food from outside will be the last day you spend in this palace"

"Do i make my self clear?" He asked and i just nodded nervously,

He didn't say anything and I clearly know why so i had to speak up,

"Yes your highness" i said in a very low tune

I rushed and picked the broom and packer to pack the broken plates and poured food before it hurt someone,

"What would you like me to make for you?" I asked and he looked at me from head to toe,

"Garnished noodles will do" so I hurried and made the noodles for him,

"I should choke and die?" He asked and i had no idea what he meant till it rang a bell

I hurried and brought him a glass of orange juice,

"Meanie" my inner voice said as I left him there,

I was surprised he didn't call me back but happy because I don't want to be his stress reliever 🙄🙄

I was so bored the next day because i had nothing to do so I decided to fulfill my promise to Sultans grandma,

I didn't even know where to find her and also I've never strolled around the palace so everywhere seems new to me but i was so happy to finally have an adventure

I've been walking for about 30 minutes now exploring and at the same time finding where Didi is,

When i was finally tired I decided to go back and ask any guard I will see to lead me,

I was rushing with my head down which was how I normally walk and didn't know when I collided with a group of women talking a stroll I guess,

"I'm so sorry please I didn't raise my head to see you coming" I hurried and apologized,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now