Chapter 34

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He was sitting in the parlor when i came back so I hurried to the kitchen to get the mop so that i can clean the water i dripped,

I was still shivering but we said nothing to each other so i went back to the kitchen to look for work to do,

I remembered the herbs the queen gave me finished and she said I should come back for more and Didi said she wanted liver sauce too so since its still drizzling I decided to make the sauce and keep so i can warm it and take it for her later,

I don't know how long i took in the kitchen because i made Didi's Sauce, made smoothies and fruit juice also and stew,

So after I finished , I decided to go and ask him what he would like to eat for lunch but he wasn't in the parlor again so i went upstairs to check his room

I gently knocked the door and opened it slowly walking as if i was tiptoeing I checked the room but he wasn't there so I opened the curtain covering the glass door leading to his balcony but no sign of him so I turned and went back downstairs,

"Maybe he went out or he's in the bathroom" I mentally told myself,

Immediately I entered the kitchen I almost ran out, he was there leaning on the fridge drinking the smoothie i made,

"Good afternoon your highness" I greeted sniffing the catarrh that was about to make its way out of my nose,

"Afternoon" he replied looking at me as if he was looking into my soul

"I wanted to ask what you would like...." I didn't even finish the sentence before a loud sneeze escaped my mouth and nose,

I covered my nose with my hands immediately rushing to my toilet to wash it out,

I went back into the kitchen and met him in the same spot i left him,

"Im sorry please" i said and looked down

"I wanted to ask what you would like for lunch" i said for the second time,

"Anything" he said like always

Its as if asking him is useless now because he hardly specify so i end up making anything anything i feel like,

"Okay" I whispered and started looking for what to make,

After thinking and thinking i made tuwon semovita with kuka,

I was feeling somehow weak so I decided to use the opportunity of praying to lay for a bit,

"Darn you sweet rain" I mentally said entering the covers

I didn't know how long i slept but when I woke up it was dark outside,

"Inalillahi" i said as I mentally cursed myself and entered the bathroom in a hurry, i washed my face and performed ablution,

After i prayed asr and magrib i rushed to take Didi's sauce

"Jadwa Lafiya this evening" she asked looking at me

"Are you okay?" She asked and i just nodded but i was boiling inside, i think i got a fever

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now